Vespula Vulgaris Nest: Wasp Nest
Master Prover: Matilde Flores
The source of this remedy is the nest of an insect; thus the proving will reflect aspects of the insect and the entire expression of the nest. The life cycle of the insect is contained within the nest, a fact that makes the nest and the wasp an inseparable unit, as Bert Hölldobler and E. O. Wilson in The Super-Organism, The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies aptly express:
“Animal built structures can be considered external organs of their builders or, more precisely, part of the extended phenotype of the organisms that produce them. In social insects, species-typical nest structures result from the collective actions of many individuals and thus represent extended phenotypes of the cooperating groups, the super-organisms, that build them.”
“Animal built structures can be considered external organs of their builders or, more precisely, part of the extended phenotype of the organisms that produce them. In social insects, species-typical nest structures result from the collective actions of many individuals and thus represent extended phenotypes of the cooperating groups, the super-organisms, that build them.”
Wasp Nest
Be careful not to crush
This scalloped tenement:
Who knows what secrets
Winter has failed to find
Within its paper walls?
It is the universe
Looking entirely inwards,
A hanging lantern
Whose black light wriggles
Through innumerable chambers
Where hopes still sleep
In her furry pews.
The chewed dormitory
Of a forgotten tribe
That layered its wooden pearl.
It is a basket of memories,
A museum of dead work,
The spat Babel of summer
With a marvelous language
Of common endeavor.
Note: It is the fruit
Returning to the tree,
The world becoming a clock
For sleep, a matrix of pure
Energy, a book of many lives.
John Fuller
Natural History
The insect
Vespula vulgaris, the common wasp, is a eusocial insect found in the Northern Hemisphere. It has been introduced to Australia and New Zealand. This species and other wasps of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula are known in the US as yellowjackets. Their natural habitat is dry grasslands and woodlands, yet they easily adapt to urban environments.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Vespoidea
Subfamily: Vespidae
Genus: Vespula
Species: Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Eusocial aspect
The term eusociality is defined as a group of individuals living in a cooperative manner where one female and several males in the group are reproductively active and the non-breeding individuals (the working caste) care for the young and protect and provide for the group.
In evolutionary biology, altruism is understood as behavior that benefits others at the cost of the altruist. Costs and benefits are measured in terms of reproductive fitness. Among social insects, the reproductive fitness of the altruist working class is given up to benefit the genetic fitness of the queen.
The overall benefit to the colony is best defined by Bert Hölldobler and E.O. Wilson in The Super-Organism, The Beauty Elegance, and Strangeness of insect Societies: “Eusociality . . . is the most advanced level of social life in the insects. Although rare in evolution, the condition once attained has often been spectacularly successful.” (29)
Nest building/Caste
Yellowjacket wasps build their nests in the ground, attached to branches, under porches, in cracks in structures, or in the wall or ceiling of a building.
The wasp creates a paper-like substance from wood fibers that are chewed and mixed with saliva. The pulp is then used to build open cells and a cylindrical column known as a “petiole” that attaches the nest to the substrate. The wasp produces a chemical and secretes it around the base of the petiole to avoid ant predation.
An individual yellow jacket queen begins building the nest in the spring. She produces a single cell at the end of the petiole and then adds six further cells around the original cell, creating the characteristic hexagonal shape of the nest cell. One egg is laid in each cell and after the egg hatches, the larva holds itself in the vertical cell by pressing its body against the sides. When the larva reaches full size it spins a cover over the cell, pupates and metamorphoses.
The queen feeds the larvae from the juice of masticated insects and continues to build the nest until enough adult workers emerge to take over the work of foraging for the colony and brood care, as well as nest expanding, maintenance and defense. At this point the queen’s only job is reproduction and designated workers are in charge of feeding the queen. The nest continues to be built from the top downwards with successive combs of cells separated by petioles. Until the end of the summer the colony consists of a queen and female sterile workers. A full colony may contain thousands of individuals. The “gynes” or queen larvae, produced in the late summer, are reared in larger cells in the lower combs.
Social wasps reproduce by a mating between a fertile queen and one or several males. The male sperm cells are stored inside the queen in a dormant state until needed the following spring when she starts building her nest.
Sexes are genetically different. Not all eggs need to be fertilized to develop. Females come from fertilized eggs that have two sets of chromosomes (diploid), while males develop from unfertilized eggs that have one set of chromosomes (haploid).
The queen controls the release of sperm for each individual egg as it is laid. If she wishes to produce a male, the egg released will not be fertilized. The queen has voluntary control over the sex of her offspring.
For most of the season, the queen lays only fertilized eggs that hatch into female workers. At the end of the summer when the stores of sperm within the queen start to dwindle, however, the eggs produced will instead develop into reproductive females and male drones. The male drones and virgin queens fly out of the nest and mate. The young queens mate in the vicinity of their nests and will leave the nest at the onset of winter to find a sheltered location in which to hibernate. The rest of the colony dies off and the old nests are not used again.
Be careful not to crush
This scalloped tenement:
Who knows what secrets
Winter has failed to find
Within its paper walls?
It is the universe
Looking entirely inwards,
A hanging lantern
Whose black light wriggles
Through innumerable chambers
Where hopes still sleep
In her furry pews.
The chewed dormitory
Of a forgotten tribe
That layered its wooden pearl.
It is a basket of memories,
A museum of dead work,
The spat Babel of summer
With a marvelous language
Of common endeavor.
Note: It is the fruit
Returning to the tree,
The world becoming a clock
For sleep, a matrix of pure
Energy, a book of many lives.
John Fuller
Natural History
The insect
Vespula vulgaris, the common wasp, is a eusocial insect found in the Northern Hemisphere. It has been introduced to Australia and New Zealand. This species and other wasps of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula are known in the US as yellowjackets. Their natural habitat is dry grasslands and woodlands, yet they easily adapt to urban environments.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Vespoidea
Subfamily: Vespidae
Genus: Vespula
Species: Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Eusocial aspect
The term eusociality is defined as a group of individuals living in a cooperative manner where one female and several males in the group are reproductively active and the non-breeding individuals (the working caste) care for the young and protect and provide for the group.
In evolutionary biology, altruism is understood as behavior that benefits others at the cost of the altruist. Costs and benefits are measured in terms of reproductive fitness. Among social insects, the reproductive fitness of the altruist working class is given up to benefit the genetic fitness of the queen.
The overall benefit to the colony is best defined by Bert Hölldobler and E.O. Wilson in The Super-Organism, The Beauty Elegance, and Strangeness of insect Societies: “Eusociality . . . is the most advanced level of social life in the insects. Although rare in evolution, the condition once attained has often been spectacularly successful.” (29)
Nest building/Caste
Yellowjacket wasps build their nests in the ground, attached to branches, under porches, in cracks in structures, or in the wall or ceiling of a building.
The wasp creates a paper-like substance from wood fibers that are chewed and mixed with saliva. The pulp is then used to build open cells and a cylindrical column known as a “petiole” that attaches the nest to the substrate. The wasp produces a chemical and secretes it around the base of the petiole to avoid ant predation.
An individual yellow jacket queen begins building the nest in the spring. She produces a single cell at the end of the petiole and then adds six further cells around the original cell, creating the characteristic hexagonal shape of the nest cell. One egg is laid in each cell and after the egg hatches, the larva holds itself in the vertical cell by pressing its body against the sides. When the larva reaches full size it spins a cover over the cell, pupates and metamorphoses.
The queen feeds the larvae from the juice of masticated insects and continues to build the nest until enough adult workers emerge to take over the work of foraging for the colony and brood care, as well as nest expanding, maintenance and defense. At this point the queen’s only job is reproduction and designated workers are in charge of feeding the queen. The nest continues to be built from the top downwards with successive combs of cells separated by petioles. Until the end of the summer the colony consists of a queen and female sterile workers. A full colony may contain thousands of individuals. The “gynes” or queen larvae, produced in the late summer, are reared in larger cells in the lower combs.
Social wasps reproduce by a mating between a fertile queen and one or several males. The male sperm cells are stored inside the queen in a dormant state until needed the following spring when she starts building her nest.
Sexes are genetically different. Not all eggs need to be fertilized to develop. Females come from fertilized eggs that have two sets of chromosomes (diploid), while males develop from unfertilized eggs that have one set of chromosomes (haploid).
The queen controls the release of sperm for each individual egg as it is laid. If she wishes to produce a male, the egg released will not be fertilized. The queen has voluntary control over the sex of her offspring.
For most of the season, the queen lays only fertilized eggs that hatch into female workers. At the end of the summer when the stores of sperm within the queen start to dwindle, however, the eggs produced will instead develop into reproductive females and male drones. The male drones and virgin queens fly out of the nest and mate. The young queens mate in the vicinity of their nests and will leave the nest at the onset of winter to find a sheltered location in which to hibernate. The rest of the colony dies off and the old nests are not used again.
Predatory, aggressive behavior/Scavenging/Survival
Yellow jackets prey on a variety of smaller insects. Some consider them helpful because they will decimate the pests of crops and ornamental plants. However, they can also pose a threat to beehives and affect populations of native insects in areas where they have been accidentally introduced, as is well documented in New Zealand.
Adults feed on food rich in sugars, such as fruit and flower nectar. Their larvae feed on proteins, so the foraging wasp will go for insects and meat. The workers chew and condition the protein fed to the larvae and in exchange the larvae secretes a material high in sugar that the adults need. Wasps consume large quantities, so they can potentially disrupt ecosystems as they compete with other pollinators. Wasps are known to scavenge around humans, eating at picnics or on garbage cans, and changing their food preferences to sodas, meats or ripe, decaying fruit. They can use their stingers several times when threatened, but they kill their prey by biting rather than stinging them.
Bert Hölldobler and E.O. Wilson in The Super-Organism, The Beauty Elegance, and Strangeness of insect Societies,
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Yellow jackets prey on a variety of smaller insects. Some consider them helpful because they will decimate the pests of crops and ornamental plants. However, they can also pose a threat to beehives and affect populations of native insects in areas where they have been accidentally introduced, as is well documented in New Zealand.
Adults feed on food rich in sugars, such as fruit and flower nectar. Their larvae feed on proteins, so the foraging wasp will go for insects and meat. The workers chew and condition the protein fed to the larvae and in exchange the larvae secretes a material high in sugar that the adults need. Wasps consume large quantities, so they can potentially disrupt ecosystems as they compete with other pollinators. Wasps are known to scavenge around humans, eating at picnics or on garbage cans, and changing their food preferences to sodas, meats or ripe, decaying fruit. They can use their stingers several times when threatened, but they kill their prey by biting rather than stinging them.
Bert Hölldobler and E.O. Wilson in The Super-Organism, The Beauty Elegance, and Strangeness of insect Societies,
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
The proving took place in Maynard, MA on October 1st 2011.
The remedy was prepared from a piece of yellowjacket paper nest.
The substance was collected in British Columbia and the species identified as Vespula vulgaris by Michael G. Shepard, R.P.Bio.
There were five provers, one male and four females, ages forty nine to sixty. Three observers/supervisors were also present.
Proving Code: Prover, Trituration Potency (C1, 2, or 3)
Prover, Day
Prover, Extraction
During the trituration proving most members of the group were mesmerized by the colors in the environment, having a sense of being drugged or drawn into the colors of the cloth on the table, the glistening and color of fruit on the table, and artwork on the walls. There were times of quietness where everyone agreed on feeling a sense of safety and trust or a child-like state.
Vespula uses its own body fluids in the form of saliva for nest building and in food conditioning for the larvae. A water source is always near the nest. Water was literally everywhere at the time of the proving due to recent severe weather conditions. A good part of the conversation was about the floods experienced in the New England states at the time of the proving.
One prominent aspect of the proving concerned sex, sexual orientation and sexual norms, or assuming a person is of a certain sexual orientation based on that person’s appearance or mannerisms.
The trituration proving and dreams revealed the themes of prejudice and assuming prejudice, as well as the feelings of being hidden, camouflaged, or invisible and wanting to be invisible. Issues of safety, trust and the role of the authority were brought up.
One case in point is the issue brought up by prover 5: “Serious discussion with lesbian client (she was in denial of her lesbianism…but expressing her full love of a woman). Unable to admit to being lesbian because her religion forbids homosexuality, yet extremely conflicted and torn about her marriage to her husband.” This remedy fits such a case where considering what is at stake, no alternative remains but to keep the issue as hidden from oneself as possible. The expected benefits would be for the patient to gain clarity to be able to acknowledge the conflict so deeply guarded and to be empowered to take conscious decisions on his or her life situation.
In view of the social issues suggested by the proving, it is worth noting that on September 17, 2011, two weeks before our proving date, Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a protest initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters, took place in New York City’s Wall Street financial district and led to Occupy protests and movements around the world. The issues were social and economic inequality, corruption and the influence of corporations on government. The inequality mainly was related to the discrepancy between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population.
On October 5, 2011, as our proving was taking place, OWS came to nearby Boston.
There have been well-documented instances of police brutality against the ‘Occupy’ movement.
All this brings to mind the acronym of WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, a somewhat derogatory term to describe high-status Americans wielding disproportionate financial and social power.
The social issues that are now present in our social discourse were brought up by this proving in an outstanding timely fashion, as illustrated by the following two videos and one article:
1) Former Secretary of Labor for the Clinton administration, Mr. Rober Reich, addresses Occupy Wall Street, Berkeley, CA on how the increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few threatens our First Amendment Rights and produces a loss of equal opportunity in America. The Political power also rises to the top and wealth is misused to undermine our democratic system:
2) Angela Davis addresses Occupy Wall Street, NY.
Her audience chanted after her an statement about: All being together as a unity that respects their differences. A unity that is not simplistic or oppressive but complex and emancipatory and that says yes to life, community, education; yes to economic, racial, gender and sexual equality.
She also mentioned the police assault of Occupy Oakland.
3) This is an article from the Huffington Post titled: Sister Margaret Farley’s Book ‘Just Love’ Criticized by Vatican, posted on June 4, 2012, as I was completing the write up for this proving.
Sister Farley is a prominent American nun, whose recent book: Just Love: A framework for Christian Sexual Ethics.
Was, as the title indicated, sharply criticized by the Vatican’s orthodoxy. The Huffington Post states: “In her statement, Farley said she had aimed to propose a framework for sexual ethics that "uses a criteria of justice" in evaluating sexual relations.”
5C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car...They told the story of the woman who died in the flood. They met her boyfriend in the shelter.
4:C1 Same thing happened around my house. The flood was so intense roads were washed away in some places.
5:C1 Before Trituration-Dream: was floating down a river. I was looking up at a stump. There were insects growing up to the center of the stump. I was rescuing this baby and I was going to what I think was the babies house.
5:C3 Before Trturation-Dream: Very Jealous of husband who has another woman mistress. She was pregnant with his baby. I had gone sailing with him and I’m swimming along side of the boat and I intentionally tip his boat over and am holding him down under the water, I was so angry with the news of him and this mistress. As I brought him up from under the water I bit him on his face. Later in the dream I am shopping and I buy a very expensive long coat, just to “make him pay.”…make him suffer more.
5:C3 Before Trituration-Dream: Riding around in a huge ferryboat. Massive swells in the water. Notice a swarm of bees on the horizon, which I follow and try to chase it. Follow it to a rooftop. There is a guy on the rooftop and he has a huge number of hives, and he won’t let me have “my swarm.” He teases me, and I still can’t have it. Sense of being teased. The ferry becomes threatened with flooding under huge and rough waves, but then I resurface.
1:10 Journey again; this time I flew. I was taken to a mountain top. There I saw a crystal palace. The palace had a waterfall within it. It was not water that came from the waterfall but was a golden liquid; feeling the liquid it was as if I was touching pure love. I did not see anyone at this journey I stayed there for what seemed like hours at peace.
And then came back.
2:3 We left to leave for work and because of heavy rains the night before the causeway was flooded and we had to sit in a line of traffic for 40 minutes. There is never any traffic here.
2:9 Dream: we are staying somewhere and arrive in a kayak type boat and a guy greets us by tormenting us. It is deep in the wilderness and no one else is around. We are avoiding him and end up in a swamp. Somehow he is in a giant upside down hat and I am throwing water in it and he is sinking. I am just trying to protect us but I don't want to kill him.
3:1 Dream: I’m with Karen, my teacher assistant, working (?) No, not at school, but we’re talking - about movies we’ve seen. We depart and I’m driving along a residential road and suddenly there’s flooding, everywhere. I can see the water flooding streets, homes, lots of mud. I was safe in the car...the feeling was that I needed to get away from there but knowing that all was going to be ok.
3:6 Dreams: With family (brothers and sisters) we decide to go out, reluctantly I go knowing I can’t drink b/c of my bladder (chronic condition of the prover) I’m with one of my sisters, only now with a bunch of her friends in the bar. I’m mad because she’s ignoring me but she asks to split a beer with me. I say ok but don’t drink it. We’re now outside around a big swimming pool. I move around the pool, stepping over grass, chairs, people and find a place/big chair. It’s dirty and I sit alone when suddenly EMTs are sprinting by with equipment, backboards, etc. A teenager boy has stopped breathing in the pool. He was with a bunch of other boys, horsing around in pool and went under water and he is not breathing. EMTs bring him back and everyone cheers. It’s very vivid and dramatic. The boys go back to horsing around like nothing’s happened at all.
3:8 Dream: At home. My lesbian neighbors, Amy and Stacey, are making renovations to the common area. I have a pool (not in real, life) and Stacey’s tractor is blowing scooping debris in my pool and I’m very upset. I can see all this debris floating on top of the pool. It’s sinking into the water and it looks so scary lots of mud in the yard.
3:8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean and it was revealed to me that my parents had former spouses and they had “cheated” before they got together. We were deciding on whether to go out to eat. I decided to stay home. I floated in the pool eating French fries.
3:10 Dream: I arrive at parents house, my childhood home. My sisters and brothers are there too, but we are all adults now. They serve macaroni and cheese for dinner and I say I cannot eat it because of my bladder (Chronic condition of he prover). I leave to get something else for me to eat. They do not understand. I drive down Graniteville Road and make a wrong turn down a narrow sloping road. It is scary because the road drops off. It looks washed out by water/flood. I can see the dirt exposed under the tar
4:2 The rain is getting rather old – more forecasted for tomorrow.
I fell today on a steep slippery wet bank.
4:3 I was in a state of mostly being awake, but sometimes slipping into a sleep state. I had a pleasant dream about a stream in the woods—it was just a vision.
4:3 Delivering firewood to a client I got stuck in the mud because there has been so much rain.
5:1 Took the remedy where “the river meets the sea”…with my husband on the other side of the river…standing in wait. Love and Beauty are my thoughts
5:7 Dream: Husband and I are kayaking down a riverbed with very low water. Water begins to rise fairly rapidly. All is well, mood was fun.
5:16 Woke with a dream: area was flooding. I warned two other mothers about the flooding. One of the moms did not believe me. I still tried to convince her. Then the water level would lower and then rise again. Watched a boat to determine the water level. My home was threatened by the rising water level.
The proving took place in Maynard, MA on October 1st 2011.
The remedy was prepared from a piece of yellowjacket paper nest.
The substance was collected in British Columbia and the species identified as Vespula vulgaris by Michael G. Shepard, R.P.Bio.
There were five provers, one male and four females, ages forty nine to sixty. Three observers/supervisors were also present.
Proving Code: Prover, Trituration Potency (C1, 2, or 3)
Prover, Day
Prover, Extraction
During the trituration proving most members of the group were mesmerized by the colors in the environment, having a sense of being drugged or drawn into the colors of the cloth on the table, the glistening and color of fruit on the table, and artwork on the walls. There were times of quietness where everyone agreed on feeling a sense of safety and trust or a child-like state.
Vespula uses its own body fluids in the form of saliva for nest building and in food conditioning for the larvae. A water source is always near the nest. Water was literally everywhere at the time of the proving due to recent severe weather conditions. A good part of the conversation was about the floods experienced in the New England states at the time of the proving.
One prominent aspect of the proving concerned sex, sexual orientation and sexual norms, or assuming a person is of a certain sexual orientation based on that person’s appearance or mannerisms.
The trituration proving and dreams revealed the themes of prejudice and assuming prejudice, as well as the feelings of being hidden, camouflaged, or invisible and wanting to be invisible. Issues of safety, trust and the role of the authority were brought up.
One case in point is the issue brought up by prover 5: “Serious discussion with lesbian client (she was in denial of her lesbianism…but expressing her full love of a woman). Unable to admit to being lesbian because her religion forbids homosexuality, yet extremely conflicted and torn about her marriage to her husband.” This remedy fits such a case where considering what is at stake, no alternative remains but to keep the issue as hidden from oneself as possible. The expected benefits would be for the patient to gain clarity to be able to acknowledge the conflict so deeply guarded and to be empowered to take conscious decisions on his or her life situation.
In view of the social issues suggested by the proving, it is worth noting that on September 17, 2011, two weeks before our proving date, Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a protest initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters, took place in New York City’s Wall Street financial district and led to Occupy protests and movements around the world. The issues were social and economic inequality, corruption and the influence of corporations on government. The inequality mainly was related to the discrepancy between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population.
On October 5, 2011, as our proving was taking place, OWS came to nearby Boston.
There have been well-documented instances of police brutality against the ‘Occupy’ movement.
All this brings to mind the acronym of WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, a somewhat derogatory term to describe high-status Americans wielding disproportionate financial and social power.
The social issues that are now present in our social discourse were brought up by this proving in an outstanding timely fashion, as illustrated by the following two videos and one article:
1) Former Secretary of Labor for the Clinton administration, Mr. Rober Reich, addresses Occupy Wall Street, Berkeley, CA on how the increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few threatens our First Amendment Rights and produces a loss of equal opportunity in America. The Political power also rises to the top and wealth is misused to undermine our democratic system:
2) Angela Davis addresses Occupy Wall Street, NY.
Her audience chanted after her an statement about: All being together as a unity that respects their differences. A unity that is not simplistic or oppressive but complex and emancipatory and that says yes to life, community, education; yes to economic, racial, gender and sexual equality.
She also mentioned the police assault of Occupy Oakland.
3) This is an article from the Huffington Post titled: Sister Margaret Farley’s Book ‘Just Love’ Criticized by Vatican, posted on June 4, 2012, as I was completing the write up for this proving.
Sister Farley is a prominent American nun, whose recent book: Just Love: A framework for Christian Sexual Ethics.
Was, as the title indicated, sharply criticized by the Vatican’s orthodoxy. The Huffington Post states: “In her statement, Farley said she had aimed to propose a framework for sexual ethics that "uses a criteria of justice" in evaluating sexual relations.”
5C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car...They told the story of the woman who died in the flood. They met her boyfriend in the shelter.
4:C1 Same thing happened around my house. The flood was so intense roads were washed away in some places.
5:C1 Before Trituration-Dream: was floating down a river. I was looking up at a stump. There were insects growing up to the center of the stump. I was rescuing this baby and I was going to what I think was the babies house.
5:C3 Before Trturation-Dream: Very Jealous of husband who has another woman mistress. She was pregnant with his baby. I had gone sailing with him and I’m swimming along side of the boat and I intentionally tip his boat over and am holding him down under the water, I was so angry with the news of him and this mistress. As I brought him up from under the water I bit him on his face. Later in the dream I am shopping and I buy a very expensive long coat, just to “make him pay.”…make him suffer more.
5:C3 Before Trituration-Dream: Riding around in a huge ferryboat. Massive swells in the water. Notice a swarm of bees on the horizon, which I follow and try to chase it. Follow it to a rooftop. There is a guy on the rooftop and he has a huge number of hives, and he won’t let me have “my swarm.” He teases me, and I still can’t have it. Sense of being teased. The ferry becomes threatened with flooding under huge and rough waves, but then I resurface.
1:10 Journey again; this time I flew. I was taken to a mountain top. There I saw a crystal palace. The palace had a waterfall within it. It was not water that came from the waterfall but was a golden liquid; feeling the liquid it was as if I was touching pure love. I did not see anyone at this journey I stayed there for what seemed like hours at peace.
And then came back.
2:3 We left to leave for work and because of heavy rains the night before the causeway was flooded and we had to sit in a line of traffic for 40 minutes. There is never any traffic here.
2:9 Dream: we are staying somewhere and arrive in a kayak type boat and a guy greets us by tormenting us. It is deep in the wilderness and no one else is around. We are avoiding him and end up in a swamp. Somehow he is in a giant upside down hat and I am throwing water in it and he is sinking. I am just trying to protect us but I don't want to kill him.
3:1 Dream: I’m with Karen, my teacher assistant, working (?) No, not at school, but we’re talking - about movies we’ve seen. We depart and I’m driving along a residential road and suddenly there’s flooding, everywhere. I can see the water flooding streets, homes, lots of mud. I was safe in the car...the feeling was that I needed to get away from there but knowing that all was going to be ok.
3:6 Dreams: With family (brothers and sisters) we decide to go out, reluctantly I go knowing I can’t drink b/c of my bladder (chronic condition of the prover) I’m with one of my sisters, only now with a bunch of her friends in the bar. I’m mad because she’s ignoring me but she asks to split a beer with me. I say ok but don’t drink it. We’re now outside around a big swimming pool. I move around the pool, stepping over grass, chairs, people and find a place/big chair. It’s dirty and I sit alone when suddenly EMTs are sprinting by with equipment, backboards, etc. A teenager boy has stopped breathing in the pool. He was with a bunch of other boys, horsing around in pool and went under water and he is not breathing. EMTs bring him back and everyone cheers. It’s very vivid and dramatic. The boys go back to horsing around like nothing’s happened at all.
3:8 Dream: At home. My lesbian neighbors, Amy and Stacey, are making renovations to the common area. I have a pool (not in real, life) and Stacey’s tractor is blowing scooping debris in my pool and I’m very upset. I can see all this debris floating on top of the pool. It’s sinking into the water and it looks so scary lots of mud in the yard.
3:8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean and it was revealed to me that my parents had former spouses and they had “cheated” before they got together. We were deciding on whether to go out to eat. I decided to stay home. I floated in the pool eating French fries.
3:10 Dream: I arrive at parents house, my childhood home. My sisters and brothers are there too, but we are all adults now. They serve macaroni and cheese for dinner and I say I cannot eat it because of my bladder (Chronic condition of he prover). I leave to get something else for me to eat. They do not understand. I drive down Graniteville Road and make a wrong turn down a narrow sloping road. It is scary because the road drops off. It looks washed out by water/flood. I can see the dirt exposed under the tar
4:2 The rain is getting rather old – more forecasted for tomorrow.
I fell today on a steep slippery wet bank.
4:3 I was in a state of mostly being awake, but sometimes slipping into a sleep state. I had a pleasant dream about a stream in the woods—it was just a vision.
4:3 Delivering firewood to a client I got stuck in the mud because there has been so much rain.
5:1 Took the remedy where “the river meets the sea”…with my husband on the other side of the river…standing in wait. Love and Beauty are my thoughts
5:7 Dream: Husband and I are kayaking down a riverbed with very low water. Water begins to rise fairly rapidly. All is well, mood was fun.
5:16 Woke with a dream: area was flooding. I warned two other mothers about the flooding. One of the moms did not believe me. I still tried to convince her. Then the water level would lower and then rise again. Watched a boat to determine the water level. My home was threatened by the rising water level.
Photograph of actual painting
Sex/Questioning Sexuality
2:C1 Is that painting a take on the Garden of Eden? Like the Garden of Eden for gay people. Like, you know, 2 women with 2 snakes. I am like look at those snakes, but they are guava? I thought Guavas were round. They definitely look like snakes to me.
5:C1 I made a mistake on the proving notebook, marking myself as M (male) when I should have put F (female)! When I realized the mistake later I corrected it.
5:C2 Our husbands, Yeah…not tonight honey. I suddenly felt sorry for…what is your name? I was feeling sorry about you being a guy and we are sharing intimate issues and how does it feel to you. You are red!
5:C3 Picked up a book about gay relationships. An in-depth study of lesbians.
5:C3 Before the Trituration I went to my massage therapist, who is lesbian and she was somewhat abusive reproaching me for having had one spot of poison ivy on my ankle and not having notified her ahead of time.
Dream that night of making love to her.
5:C3 Then I go to P-town and I am getting hit on by some women. Asked M. do I look gay to you?
Then we took the cases of young twins. I have always suspected of one of them being a lesbian and she is the shameless one. The mom is like, is she a lesbian? because she is really into sports.
1:16 As I was listening to others speak and the intimacy/sexual points came out I wanted to tell of myself but chose not to. Over the last two weeks my sexual hunger had been immense!
2:2 My boyfriend wants to be near me all the time. He says that I am more open.
2:3 Dream: we are somewhere and there are two double beds. I am doing something in my own world while relaxing in bed. After I while, I look over and I realize there are 6-7 people on the other bed. I tell them I will share my bed. They say they didn't want to bother me. Even my boyfriend is on the other bed.
2:7 Boyfriend says this proving is making you so soft and amorous.
2:10 Dream: I run into my homeopathy friend (she died five years ago) In the dream she survived her cancer but then I didn’t’ know what happened to her. She told me she has two practices, one in Wyoming and one on the east coast and was flying back and forth. I am very happy to see her but feel concerned for her health. She said she bought a house with a patient. I wonder if they are in a relationship and if the patient is male. I feel sad that I might not see her again.
2:13 Dream: I am walking down the street and a group of nude middle aged women are playing lacrosse. The ball comes my way. I throw it back. They are very impressed with my throw.
3:1 Dream: Talking with boyfriend on the phone - while on the phone (we are apart in different places) we start to kiss and my whole pelvic area starts to hurt and I tell us to stop (How can we kiss through the phone???).
3:3 Dream: Sexual dream wanting and trying to have sex with boyfriend and feeling pelvic pain and having to stop.
3:8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean and it was revealed to me that my parents had former spouses and they had “cheated” before they got together. We were deciding on whether to go out to eat. I decided to stay home. I floated in the pool eating French fries.
3:10 Dream: I’m in a relationship; it’s a long distance one. It’s a guy I was seeing in college—I’m here and he is in Michigan. I go to see him and we miss each other and I’m so afraid of losing him. Another girl asks me what I’m more afraid of: losing him or my daughter and I say him (is my daughter in this dream?? It takes place 25 years ago…) we kiss. He has this beautiful V-shaped, rippled, perfect muscular body. We are surrounded by partying college students. I see a desk and I’m sifting through all these letters from broken-hearted girls. I leave to go find ice (very vivid), I find ice, look for a baggy to put it in. I find it and bring it back to my boyfriend. He’s grateful...what does he need it for?
3:12 Dream: Seeing a colleague from long ago (She is retired and probably close to seventy in real life). In the dream she looked about 30, perfect hair, skin, v-shaped-perfect body, great “abs”!
It’s so funny to see her look so youthful and sexy—she is a lesbian and I had a crush on her (in real life). She looked very happy.
4:3 Dream – In a group doing a line dance – males and females were fused just above the legs with bodies angled like an “X”. I felt warmth and swelling from my partner whom I did not know. I was a little uncomfortable with this, but not devastated. My thought was ‘he’s a man, he can’t help it.’ I did not feel any anger or bad feelings toward him.
5:1 Shameless thoughts after been over heated by eating spicy food…I wanted to take my shirt off.
5:1 Woke with another man on my mind, wondering how he figures into my constellation and how he keeps being brought back into my vortex.
5:1 Thought of having multiple partners and wrestling with the morality of it.
5:2 Made an effort to look a bit more attractive than I normally would…head up, shoulders down, painted eyebrows.
5:13 Serious discussion with lesbian client, who was in denial of her lesbianism, but expressing her full love of a woman. She was unable to admit to it because her religion forbids homosexuality, yet she is extremely conflicted and torn about her marriage.
4:Extraction: Increased sexual desire and increased sexual activity. As if I was back 23 years ago. This felt like “the fountain of youth” remedy. I do not want to lose it when we close the proving.
5:Extraction: My lesbian client does not know she is a lesbian, but she looks like one. She comes to the consultation in FedEx blue uniform and the big boots, while carrying a “Coach” little bag and wearing pearl earrings that her girlfriend gave her. She cannot even go there because of her religion. She is very thin, tall and muscular. Losing this woman friend whom she loves deeply would be massive for her. She lost her mother when she was 15 to breast cancer.
Prejudice/Assuming Prejudice
5:C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car. Went to the police stationed at the Shaw’s Supermarket. The police was not helpful and said “get the hell out of here.” Teenagers are not trusted by adults. They got that sense from these officials.
2:2 Dream: I met some children from Taiwan, maybe on the train. They speak to me in Chinese thinking I can't understand. I do understand (in real life I understand some Chinese) and speak back to them. I tell them I used to live in Taiwan. They are amazed we are talking because others have treated them with prejudice.
2:12 Dream: I am living in a place where the outdoor space is VERY close to the neighbors’. I look over and there are some people from North Africa. They look back at me worried that I might be prejudiced. I hope they speak French so I can communicate with them and maybe I can learn some good recipes from them.
5:5 Really tried to avoid the police by making a wide circle and aware of their presence when going to “Occupy Boston.” Sensitive to issues of protesters at “Occupy Wall St./Boston.”
Hidden and Secret
3:C1 I feel invisible. You look here and you would not see me. Camouflaged and wanting to be.
3:C1 I wanted the sound of laughing to stop, but I did not want to say it until you asked what was happening for me.
1:16 As I was listening to others speak and the intimacy/sexual points came out I wanted to tell of myself but chose not to. Over the last two weeks my sexual hunger had been immense.
2:1 Dream: A very tall very voluptuous super model has a young daughter and is putting her in a private school. The administration is under the impression that she has very little money and will charge her $300.00 a semester. The models’ friend tells her that she’d better hide the fashion magazines with her pictures in them so the school doesn’t find out that she is a person of means.
2:13 Dream: I am at a house with another woman and we are furtively hiding behind the garage. I sneak around over ice patches to enter the house and get lots of food. I’m not sure if I’m stealing? I return and tell the other woman she doesn’t need to go shopping. There’s a guy looking for us but we are well hidden.
3:2 Dream: I was in a house with my brothers and sisters, all grown up like today. My oldest sister was telling me not to say anything to my parents about my health problems anymore, that they couldn’t take it. It was too much for them. I became very angry and screamed that I would say the truth no matter what.
3-8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean and it was revealed to me that my parents had former spouses and they had “cheated” before they got together. We were deciding on whether to go out to eat. I decided to stay home. I floated in the pool eating French fries.
5:C3 Since I was a kid I was clairvoyant and it is ok now. It used to be “what is wrong with you?” - a paranoia attached to death. It was attached to my friend dying when I was 14 and my boyfriend dying and me having a clairvoyant perception around that.
It is a secret and it is so special and so disbelieved and so misunderstood and you have to live with it in your life. When someone says they get it and they understand it there is a sense of interconnectedness and belonging. It is there I do not have to deny it and it is part of this universe. It is energetic force.
5:13 Serious discussion with lesbian client, who was in denial of her lesbianism, but expressing her full love of a woman. She was unable to admit to it because her religion forbids homosexuality, yet she is extremely conflicted and torn about her marriage.
5:1 Our dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins lives were spared.
Worth noting: During the proving all the Supervisors got news of a colleague being diagnosed with cancer, but she wanted to keep it a secret—something to be shared only with close friends and family.
2:10 Dream: I run into my homeopathy friend (she died five years ago) In the dream she survived her cancer but then I didn’t’ know what happened to her. She told me she has two practices, one in Wyoming and one on the east coast and was flying back and forth. I am very happy to see her but feel concerned for her health. She said she bought a house with a patient. I wonder if they are in a relationship and if the patient is male. I feel sad that I might not see her again.
2:10 Dream: I run into a couple from Taiwan who I’d lost touch with who had taken me in 20 years ago. (the woman died of cancer years ago) I’m so happy to see them and tell their daughter how fun they are. They are just having a good time getting to know the U.S. I tell them I have a friend Dom who is a chef and they tell me they have a chef friend Dom too, but we realize they are different people and we laugh about it. I’m looking forward to showing them around; it will be really fun.
2:11 There is a guy who sells newspapers that I’ve seen outside every day for years near my office. Two weeks ago there’s a new guy there. I ask him where’s the other guy? He died of throat cancer.
2:Extraction: Just heard a friend has acute leukemia.
5:7 While at a bank sealing financial deal for new house, noticed an appeal to help family of newborn twins whose mother was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
5:Extraction: ...Losing her friend whom she loves deeply would be massive for her. She lost her mother when she was 15 to breast cancer.
Worth noting: During the proving all the Supervisors got news of a colleague being diagnosed with cancer.
3:C1 Feel very sad, but don’t know why. Mood changed from giddy to sadness—cries.
3:C2 The story of the cathode ray/TV emanation proving, where this woman felt loved by her father only when they watched TV together, brings a lot of sadness and tears. As soon as S. said it I was catapulted there in an instant, sitting on a couch in the dark with a TV flashing...It is all overwhelming sadness right now.
Quiet, big girls don’t cry. Don’t go there – stay – please.
5:C1 Sons told the story of the woman who died in the flood. They met her boyfriend in the shelter.
5:C1 I feel a lactation let down and now the tingling is rising.
(Weeping) I do not know why I am sad. It is coming up. It is me rising. An intense tingling. (Weeping). I do not feel sad. I guess it is a kind of energy. But there are tears.
5:C3 When I was a kid I was clairvoyant and it is ok now. It used to be “what is wrong with you?” - a paranoia attached to death. It was attached to my friend dying when I was 14 and my boyfriend dying and me having a clairvoyant perception around that.
5:C3 I am a beekeeper. There was not much honey this year. The bees work really hard at making their honey. Sharing for survival is what comes to me. How to keep the hive alive and keep it going year after year, going through the winters? It is huge. (Weeping). I need to get them cane sugar. White Sugar is a poison for them and that is what everybody feeds them, so they are killing the bees. This is about survival and having enough food for them to get through.
One of the dreams I had was about rationing chocolate. You have to give it out slowly. They are going to die. A lot of death, but we are saving the queen and some others. In spring we see who is left, who is flying out in the first warm weather and seeing the sun.
5:C3 Massive overwhelming sense of beauty, awe and wonder of the color and emotions. We capture the death on the other side of the proving. Massive destruction by men’s influence. It is more the inner relationship to the outer.
5:C3 “The march of the Penguins” Being in the center and watching the center and going in and out of the heat and protection.
3:C3 Listening to the story about bees I feel intense sadness and grief again.
2:4 Dream: My friend who just died. We are hanging out.
2:7 Walking around the city contemplating the living and the dead; how illness changes a life. Wondering if my friend will die. The world feels so differently when someone is so ill. I’m sad.
2:7 Walked to Chinatown. The street was blocked off. Around 200 bricks just fell off the face of an old building. I wonder if anyone was hit.
2:11 There is a guy who sells newspapers that I’ve seen outside every day for years near my office. Two weeks ago there’s a new guy there. I ask him where’s the other guy? He died of throat cancer
2:Extraction: One thing that happened around the proving is death and sickness. Before the proving started I found out a friend died and during the proving a good friend was diagnosed with acute leukemia. He could easily die.
5:1 Our dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins lives were spared.
5:12 Our son was worried about our travels coming up. He requested information on how to contact lawyer regarding our wills.
5:Extraction: ...Losing her friend whom she loves deeply, would be massive for her.
Connection to the Group and Safety in the Group
5:C3 We are having this very special experience. We are being held. Such respect. I have done provings before and I have not been held like this.
3:C3 I feel gratitude as people speak. It feels safe. I do not feel that very often in groups. Normally I feel invisible in the sense that I say something and no one listens, so I tend to stop talking. In this group the silence is from feeling comfortable and safe. Different feeling. So much noise outside and every body screaming to be heard. I tend to be more of a witness and not a participant.
5:C3 When someone says they get it and they understand it there is a sense of interconnectedness and belonging.
5:C3 “The march of the Penguins” Being in the center and watching the center and going in and out of the heat and protection.
2:3 Dream: we are somewhere and there are two double beds. I am doing something in my own world while relaxing in bed. After I while, I look over and I realize there are 6-7 people on the other bed. I tell them I will share my bed. They say they didn't want to bother me. Even my boyfriend is on the other bed.
2:13 Dream: I am walking down the street and a group of nude middle aged women are playing lacrosse. The ball comes my way. I throw it back. They are very impressed with my throw.
3-8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean...
3:10 Dream: I arrive at parents house, my childhood home. My sisters and brothers are there too, but we are all adults now. They serve macaroni and cheese for dinner and I say I cannot eat it because of my chronic bladder problem. I leave to get something else for me to eat. They do not understand...
4:3 We were invited to our favorite Chinese restaurant by a friend, his partner and his grown children from different marriages, who traveled up from different parts of the country and were together for the first time ever. All his children seem to be doing well and are very pleasant company. It was a nice celebration.
4:8 Church seemed especially nice today – it’s always pleasant to see so many familiar faces. The service and music were excellent.
5:2 Watched movement of “occupy Wall Street” on U Tube. Moved by how this generation is finally banning together for action…waking up to solidarity…tingling at the thought of it, throughout trunk and legs. I wonder how my Republican friends (former Wall Street worker) whom I’m having lunch with today will think of all this…taking the planet back…tears of joy.
Authority/Trust only One Another
5:C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car. Went to the police stationed at the Shaw’s Supermarket. The police was not helpful and said “get the hell out of here.” Teenagers are not trusted by adults. They got that sense from these officials.
A person that overheard the interaction sent them to the shelter at the High School. A person at the shelter helped them, fed them, gave them dry clothes and drove them around the state for an hour to get them out of there. The biggest learning was to just trust one another and the common fellow, the people around you who are like you, not the police or the authority.
5:C1 Do not trust officials and mafia and people running the show.
5:C3 I feel self-conscious. Approval is another part of this. Did I do ok?
5:1 Our dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins’ lives were spared.
5:5 Sensitive to issues of protesters at “Occupy Wall St/Boston.”
5:5 Sensitive/empathic to man begging for funds to help pay for his back surgery (wearing a back brace).
2:Extraction: Somebody stole my computer from my office the day before the Trituration. I went to the police and had to wait for one hour to talk to someone. He types something and gives you a sheet of paper and tells you to go pick up a police report 5 miles away. I go there thinking that I will talk to a detective, but that did not happen. They gave me another piece of paper and said they will call me. Nobody got back to me. I called, I faxed, nothing! The Police is like my memory; they are not there when you need them.
5:Extraction: Research about Occupy Wall Street indicates that the authority is not taking care of us.
Drugged State/Color and Light/Vortex of Energy
2:C1 The color is beautiful. I goes with the pad.
2: C1 Feeling content in my own little world absorbing colors around me which feel intense and beautiful. Others are feeling sad but I can’ deal with their sadness now. I deal with patients all week and don’t want to feel sympathy. I just want to be content in my safe magical world.
3:C1 I feel very giddy, giggling and laughing.
3:C1 My mood has changed to sadness. I do not know what the feeling is. At first floating like my feet were not touching the floor and now I am down very sad. (weeping)
3:C1 I have a sense of someone standing behind me pushing at the base of my neck. I am resisting it. It is very heavy and forceful.
5:C1 Rocking side to side and a heaviness. The tingling is in my face. I feel teary. It’s not a sadness but a heaviness in my body. An elephant trudging,,,an ant sort of,,,the activity of this back and forth.
5:C1 Heaviness is lifted and sort of an open feeling.
5:C1 Rocking, staring, pulled into the colors, druggy.
2:C1 Like I am on a drug; the colors are intense and jumping out.
2:C1 I felt so fragile coming in and the purple and the mustard colors comfort me. I will try to tone it down.
3:C1 I got an image of riding a horse and it matches the scraping.
5:C1 It is a staring and being caught in a pattern and being pulled in.
5:C1 I do not know what that motion is. It is a twisting and a pulling and I resist: do not take me there. I had no control it was taking me there. Do not do that to me, do not take me there. It is a resisting. It is a rapid heartbeat and anxiety.
4:C1 Staring.
4:C1 Checking out the match box on the table. The wrinkle in the table runner is annoying me.
2:C1 The regularity of the triturating puts me in a trance.
3:C1 It is hard not to look at it (trituration bowl). I am drawn to it. It is very soothing.
3:C1 I look at my hands as if they are not mine. As if they belong to somebody else. It is a weird detachment from my body.
5:C1 Something just brushed against my skin. Do you have a fly in here or something?
3:C1 Humming in my head.
3:C1 I am very buzzy like an effervescence.
5:C1 Time is moving very slowly.
5:C2 I am so drawn to the plums. They are so glistening; they match your shirt.
2:C2 I feel upset that the mustard colored mat under the trituration bowl was taken away from me as it went to the next person. I derived a lot of comfort from the purple of my shirt next to the mustard of the mat.
3:C2 Brightness of color.
5:C2 Totally hyper-focused, especially on the bright blue (leaning towards the color) Can you stop me? or let me go?
2:C2 It is like we are in our own little world with these colors.
5:C2 It is like a staring and you cannot break the trance.
4:C2 Is this sound annoying you?
5:C2 How did you know? Are we on the same thing? I am giddy. This is not my natural state except for being hot. I have not done pot for thirty-five years.
1:C2 I just envisioned you smoking a joint.
5:C2 It is like my hands have their own controls. Like they are separate.
5:C2 Sensation of everything really slowing down. No anxiety, more relaxed. Staring goes with it. (Leaning to the left.)
2:C2 It looks like someone is going to fall over.
5:C2 That must be me. I am ok. Don’t worry, I am just going with the feeling. Leaning one way and then the other. I think my head is heavy I think that is what it is. I better don’t stay this way. (Laughing) I have to function in the world.
5:C2 This staring is something. It pulls you into the color patterns on the table. Now I have to focus.
2:C2 No, just go into a trance and go with it.
5:C2 I am hyper-focused on yellow.
2:C2 This box is so beautiful (match box with yellow roses)
2:C2 I am only into mustard today.
2:C2 I am spacing out. I cannot express the question.
5:C2 It is a trance.
2:C2 It is like I could go into a little bubble and stare at colors.
5:C2 Sensation of everything really slowing down. No anxiety more relaxed. Staring goes with it. Leaning to the left.
3:C2 Staring. Very serious.
3:C2 Picturing a furry cat. Big furry cat and tail. Grey huge eyes. I feel very sleepy.
5:C3 That was a massive swirl; just a swirl of energy, a vortex, heat and a kind of a burning. What comes to mind (Weeping) is when I saw a Monet exhibit: massive overwhelming sense of beauty, awe and wonder of the colors and emotions. We capture the death on the other side of the proving. Massive destruction by men's influence. It is more the inner relationship to the outer.
2:C3 I feel like a little kid. I am sitting in the corner playing with my toys and looking at the colors. I do not have to play with others. Sitting by myself in my own little world. The adults have their thing, but I am not part of it. I like to be by myself in my safe magical world. It is nice to have simplicity again. To sit and stare at something and do not have a care in the world.
2:C3 Purple is a color of royalty.
2:C3 These red mugs do not seem like real mugs. They seem like paintings of Mugs. Who were you talking about? Monet ? It looks as if they just stepped out of his paintings. Like a surreal quality!!
1:4 Journey last night; Came to a garden, there really was no way in, I walked to an area where the shrubbery was low. At that point a woman who was floating came to the hedge, she was with golden hair a tight glowing gown around her. She was the essence of beauty. There was no talking, she looked me over from head to toe then bent down touched a flower the flower grew large it towered over me, when it stopped growing the stem then opened. I could see the woman on the other side of the flower. She smiled at me and the wings came from her back and she flew off back in the direction she had come.
I walked in the garden was amazing. There were all types of flowers you could imagine. They were all very large as though I had been made smaller. Then I saw animals were there, dogs, cats deer, turtles, and yes lions, tigers etc. it was like Noah’s arc. However all the animals had wings and were feasting on the nectar from the flowers. I stayed a while and just observed while enjoying the bliss of the garden. After I had been there for some time, the woman who I believe was the keeper of the garden returned she gently took me by the hand led me back to the opening after I walked out the opening closed the flower then receded back to its original size. She was gone.It was time for my journey to be over.
1:10 Journey again; this time I flew. I was taken to a mountain top. There I saw a crystal palace. The palace had a waterfall within it. It was not water that came from the waterfall but was a golden liquid; feeling the liquid it was as if I was touching pure love. I did not see anyone at this journey I stayed there for what seemed like hours at peace. And then came back.
1:13 I had dream initially I was a marshmallow; yes a big and white square with little legs and arms. It did feel weird, but nice at the same time. I began to expand then began to float as I grew more airy I was then a cloud floating in the sky. I floated over the land scape of trees and houses till I eventually dissipated.
1:2 Delusion in half waking state: vortex of white clouds.
5:4 Caught by the flickering light of the mini-rainbows created by crystals hanging in the window.
Good Outcomes
5:C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car. Went to the police stationed at the Shaw’s Supermarket, The police was not helpful and said ‘get the hell out of here.’ A person that overheard the interaction sent them to the shelter at the High School. A family at the shelter helped them, fed them, gave them dry clothes and drove them around the state for an hour to get them out of there.
5:C2 As a result of the flooding a guy set up a web site that connected people, so donations went where they were needed.
4:C2 My husband works for the fire department and after the flooding they got all this food from Tennessee but no one needed it in our town. We were ok. They gave it to people south of us that lost their homes. They have this location set up where anyone that needs anything can just go and take it. People were really ok.
1:4 Dream: This night I did dream. The dream reflected my work at Fedex. At work things tend to be a bit hectic and can be stressful, however in my dreams they were so very smooth. Everything and everybody happening just as it would in a perfect world.
1:5 My dreams each night have been about my work at Fedex. I go to work and it is the same each night the work goes flawlessly all employees are happy, no complaining by anyone (this is not normal for the employees) it is not just myself it is everyone that things go perfect for.
3:1 Dream: I’m with Karen, my teacher assistant, working (?) No, not at school, but we’re talking - about movies we’ve seen. We depart and I’m driving along a residential road and suddenly there’s flooding, everywhere. I can see the water flooding streets, homes, lots of mud. I was safe in the car...the feeling was that I needed to get away from there but knowing that all was going to be ok.
3:6 Dream: With family (brothers and sisters) we decide to go out, reluctantly I go knowing I can’t drink b/c of my bladder (chronic condition of the prover) I’m with one of my sisters, only now with a bunch of her friends in the bar. I’m mad because she’s ignoring me but she asks to split a beer with me. I say ok but don’t drink it. We’re now outside around a big swimming pool. I move around the pool, stepping over grass, chairs, people and find a place/big chair. It’s dirty and I sit alone when suddenly EMTs are sprinting by with equipment, backboards, etc. A teenager boy has stopped breathing in the pool. He was with a bunch of other boys, horsing around in pool and went under water and he is not breathing. EMTs bring him back and everyone cheers. It’s very vivid and dramatic. The boys go back to horsing around like nothing’s happened at all
5:7 Dream: Husband and I are kayaking down a riverbed with very low water. Water begins to rise fairly rapidly. All is well, mood was fun.
Innocence and Child
2:C1 I feel like a child playing with a toy banging the pestle on the table. Still in my own little world.
2:C3 I feel like a little kid. I am sitting in the corner playing with my toys and looking at the colors. I do not have to play with others. Sitting by myself in my own little world. The adults have their thing, but I am not part of it. I like to be by myself in my safe magical world. It is nice to have simplicity again. To sit and stare at something and do not have a care in the world.
1:C3 Can K, come out and play?
2:C3 No, I want to play by myself. I would go out to play but I would sit in the sandbox and let you do your thing.
1:C3 I would be on the jungle Gym.
1:4 Journey last night; Came to a garden, there really was no way in, I walked to an area where the shrubbery was low. At that point a woman who was floating came to the hedge, she was with golden hair a tight glowing gown around her. She was the essence of beauty. There was no talking, she looked me over from head to toe then bent down touched a flower the flower grew large it towered over me, when it stopped growing the stem then opened. I could see the woman on the other side of the flower. She smiled at me and the wings came from her back and she flew off back in the direction she had come.
I walked in the garden was amazing. There were all types of flowers you could imagine. They were all very large as though I had been made smaller. Then I saw animals were there, dogs, cats deer, turtles, and yes lions, tigers etc. it was like Noah’s arc. However all the animals had wings and were feasting on the nectar from the flowers. I stayed a while and just observed while enjoying the bliss of the garden. After I had been there for some time, the woman who I believe was the keeper of the garden returned she gently took me by the hand led me back to the opening after I walked out the opening closed the flower then receded back to its original size. She was gone.
It was time for my journey to be over.
2:2 Dream: my friend had a young daughter who was misbehaving. He hit her very hard on the bottom. He felt badly about it but it was what needed to be done.
2:2 Dream: a little girl
2:2 Dream: I met some children from Taiwan, maybe on the train. They speak to me in Chinese thinking I can't understand. I do understand (in real life I understand some Chinese) and speak back to them. I tell them I used to live in Taiwan. They are amazed we are talking because others have treated them with prejudice.
2:2 Dream: about my young niece (she is 9) She is sleeping in a bed with me and we are talking intimately.
2:12 I receive an e-mail that my young niece (the one I keep dreaming about) has tricophagia – she is pulling her hair out to eat the roots.
2:13 Dream: I am with my young niece (10 years old) at a comedy show. We are laughing.
5:C3 Took the cases of young twins who needed an insect remedy.
5:1 One dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins’ lives were spared.
5:7 While at a bank sealing financial deal for new house, noticed an appeal to help family of newborn twins whose mother was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
Jealousy and Aggression
5:C2 I think jealousy is part of this. It just popped in my head. I am jealous of you and your relationship with S. and I am jealous of you because you are gorgeous.
5: C3 Before Trituration-Dream: Very Jealous of husband who has another woman mistress. She was pregnant with his baby. I had gone sailing with him and I’m swimming along side of the boat and I intentionally tip his boat over and am holding him down under the water, I was so angry with the news of him and this mistress. As I brought him up from under the water I bit him on his face. Later in the dream I am shopping and I buy a very expensive long coat, just to “make him pay.”…make him suffer more.
2:2 Dream: My friend had a young daughter who was misbehaving. He hit her very hard on the bottom. He felt badly about it, but it was what needed to be done.
3:2 Dream: I was in a house with my brothers and sisters, all grown up like today. My oldest sister was telling me not to say anything to my parents about my health problems anymore, that they couldn’t take it. It was too much for them. I became very angry and screamed that I would say the truth no matter what.
3:6 Dreams: With family (brothers and sisters) and we decide to go out. I go reluctantly, knowing I can’t drink b/c of my chronic bladder condition. I’m now with one of my sisters and a bunch of her friends at a bar. I’m mad because she’s ignoring me but she asks to split a beer with me. I say ok but don’t drink it.
5:2 My tennis game is much more aggressive in the “put away” shots.
5:3 Feeding the bees “tailings” of sugar feed so they can “lick the spoon.” Noticed how yellow jackets are much more aggressive to other yellow jackets and honey bees than honey bees are to one another.
Hard work/Productivity/Excess of Activity
5:C3 Before the proving I was in such a frenzy telling myself would you just stop? I need a moment. I told my husband I am going to stop gardening and working and cooking you have to do it.
2:1 I am up late for me. I am not tired at all.
4:3 Productive physical work – I worked on firewood for us, for a client and put in a load of sugarwood for our maple sugar business.
It involved lifting heavy chunks into the splitter, loading it in my truck and unloading. Got stuck in the mud on our client’s lawn, so I had to carry the wood an extra 50’ before stacking it.
4:6 Busy day: Cut, split, delivered and stacked ¼ cord of firewood, led a prayer group meeting, mowed nine lawns.
4:7 In between moving bales of hay I came home and put segments of our dinner together and into the oven – winter squash, potatoes and beets from our garden along with a ham. It was an interesting way to prepare dinner but it worked out well in the end and we had a lovely visit with our neighbors.
4:8 Dream: I had a dream that I don’t clearly remember. I was doing some work at the home of one of our caretaking clients – cleaning up some big trees that were blown down by tropical storm Irene. The feeling was, “Oh darn, I could have done this work much more efficiently.” It wasn’t a devastating feeling – just a wish that I had the information I had needed to be more efficient.
4:14 When at a seminar normally I have to fight to stay awake in the afternoon, but not this time. I think it is related to the proving.
5:3 Procrastination at work
5:6 Frantic business with meetings and shopping.
5:8 Industrious day in the garden.
5:9 Industrious morning in the garden. Having excess energy to do the work.
Indisposed to talk
2:C1 You are so quiet back there have not heard a peep out of you.
2:C1 Feeling content in my own little world absorbing colors around me which feel intense and beautiful. Others are feeling sad but I can’ deal with their sadness now. I deal with patients all week and don’t want to feel sympathy. I just want to be content in my safe magical world.
2:CI I feel like another prover is going on and on about a very uninteresting story to me and I wish she would be quiet.
2:C2 I feel really, really quiet. I am happy to be here but I do not feel like talking.
2:C2 I feel very still, very quiet.
2:C3 I want to play by myself. I would go out to play but I would sit in the sandbox and let you do your thing.
2:C1 My friend used to have a mocking bird that would imitate a car alarm.
2:C1 That is really a bird! He is being territorial. Is that cat instigating the bird?
3:C1 I got an image of riding a horse and it goes in rhythm with the scraping.
3:C1 Breathing got fast almost hyperventilating when people were talking about snakes.
5:C1 That chipmunk has started again (chirp).
2:C1 S, your phone is ringing (when hearing the bird/chipmunk chirping)
2:C2 It is about birds.
3:C2 Pecking on my paper. Picture in my mind of a bird and a beak.
3:C2 Picturing a furry cat. Big furry cat and tail. Grey huge eyes.
2:C2 Do you get wild animals here? Wild turkeys, deer, fox, coyote, raccoons, fisher cats...
4:C2 No wonder you cat is skittish.
3:C2 We live in a town house and we put flower boxes in the back and we grew beans. We taught the dog how to pick them. She is a Corgi and he loves beans.
5:C3 “The march of the Penguins” Being in the center and watching the center and going in and out of the heat and protection.
1:4 Journey last night; Came to a garden, there really was no way in, I walked to an area where the shrubbery was low. At that point a woman who was floating came to the hedge, she was with golden hair a tight glowing gown around her. She was the essence of beauty. There was no talking, she looked me over from head to toe then bent down touched a flower the flower grew large it towered over me, when it stopped growing the stem then opened. I could see the woman on the other side of the flower. She smiled at me and the wings came from her back and she flew off back in the direction she had come.
I walked in the garden was amazing. There were all types of flowers you could imagine. They were all very large as though I had been made smaller. Then I saw animals were there, dogs, cats deer, turtles, and yes lions, tigers etc. it was like Noah’s arc. However all the animals had wings and were feasting on the nectar from the flowers. I stayed a while and just observed while enjoying the bliss of the garden. After I had been there for some time, the woman who I believe was the keeper of the garden returned she gently took me by the hand led me back to the opening after I walked out the opening closed the flower then receded back to its original size. She was gone. It was time for my journey to be over.
1:12 I was at home and was visited by a flicker (woodpecker). I was in the living room and there was a knock on the front door. I open the door and there is no one there. I close the door and there is knocking again. I open the door again, no one is there. I look to my left and on the door jamb is a woodpecker. It looks at me and starts to knock again. By the way it is only about a foot away from me at eye level. It stopped knocking turned its head at me leaned towards me and just stared at me for approx. a minute. Then it turned back knocked a few more times and then it flew off. S, this was NOT a dream, this was reality!!
2:8 On going to sleep I have an image of a cute hedgehog in a rocking chair.
2:14 Dream: I go into an antique jewelry shop. The woman is trying to sell me pieces that have animals in them so you could have a pet with you. I know the jewelry is too expensive but the woman is aggressive. She shows me a ring and opens it to reveal a turtle. The turtle walks across the counter. He is two inches tall and his shell is very dark and worn and he seems sinister and like he could get aggressive.
2:14 Dream: Of a horse.
3:8 Dream: A horse running around in the yard...So strange!
5:1 Just before taking the remedy on my walk noticed a lone bunny…clearly orphaned is the thought I had.
5:1 Noticed birdwatcher and his calling to a catbird.
5:1 Notice yellow jackets and honey bees and bumble bees cleaning the comb of the remaining honey that I just harvested.
5:1 Sitting outside writing my thoughts and notice a yellow jacket drying off in the sun against the side of the house.
5:1 Arrived at dinner party. Wife talked non-stop for 3 hours. I was unable to focus on myself. Most interesting part about the woman was her gold dragonfly earings!
5:1 Noticed huge paper wasp nest hanging from the rafters of the hostesses house…form of decoration.
5:1 One dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins’ lives were spared.
5:3 Feeding the bees “tailings” of sugar feed so they can “lick the spoon.” Noticed how yellow jackets are much more aggressive to other yellow jackets and honey bees than honey bees are to one another.
5:3 A friend I had lunch with yesterday called to say she discovered a massive paper wasp nest in her yellow mock orange shrub. She wants to borrow my bee suit to exterminate the hive.
5:4 Rescued cat bird standing dazed in the middle of the road. Turned around, parked, picked up the bird and placed it in sunny location to the side of the road. Bird not where I’d placed it when I returned later that day.
5:8 Spooked two deer in the woods.
5:9 Cocktails with friends. One told story of spiders and bugs in her house.
5:10 Retrieved a huge black hornet nest from friend’s yard.
Relishing of food
1:C1 Smells like fresh baked bread.
5:C1 Focusing on one little sugar granule. Hyper focused.
5:C2 I am so drawn to the plums. They are so glistening.
2:C2 This cheese is really good.
2:C2 I do not know...I am starving. I am eating more than any one and I am still hungry.
3:C2 So Hungry.
4:C2 Warm cup in my hands feels great and the tea tastes good too.
2:C2 I am also thinking about food. Every time the buzzer goes off I think of food. What kind of cheese is that? It is so good.
2:C2 Do you eat the rind? I’ll take that (cheeses).
5:C2 I will have one!! (cheese)
2:C2 There is a real focus on the taste.
2:C2 Eating really slowly. Enjoying every taste.
5:C2 Exactly.
2:C2 Do you have a garden?
4:C2 Yes, some of my garden vegetables are over there.
5:C2 Are you still getting squash? I only got squash for a month. They just died.
2:C2 It is the buzzer! Food! I am so hungry. We are ready for hard earned food.
3:C3 Buzzer goes off: Apple Pie!!
Sensitivity to Sound
5:C1 I was irritated by the sound. Just stop.
3:C1 I feel that too. Stop grinding!
3:C1 I wanted the sound of laughing to stop, but I did not want to say it until you asked what was happening for me.
2:C1 I am super, super sensitive to noise and it did not bug me.
5:C1 I was like “can you just stop?”
2:C1 D. will always be munching on the phone.
5:C1 I wonder if that is a couple’s thing. When my husband is chewing on his cereal it is like the scraping of the bowl and I feel “I have to get out of this room.” He likes to read an article while he eats his cereal. It is a syndrome being sensitive to sound.
2:C2 You are the loudest scraper!!
2:C2 Sounds usually bother me and they don’t today.
3:C2 Sensitive to high-pitched sounds.
5:C2 Noise do not bother me, well no, my husband scraping his bowl does bother me.
5:C2 Woke at 2:30am thinking. Then the guy upstairs is moving around. “Can you just leave so I can go to sleep?”
2:C2 Yeah! we call our land lord thumper. He is so loud but we get up early so it is not a problem.
4:C3 I am trying to make the scraping as noisy as possible, so when I stop you all will appreciate it.
1:C1 I feel really peaceful
1:C1 Peaceful and grounded
2:C1 Feeling much better. I feel happy and kind of peaceful.
5:C2 Sensation of everything really slowing down. No anxiety more relaxed.
1:1 I do have a sense of being very grounded, mellow and calm.
2:1 Took the 12c. I feel calm
2:2 In general I am more calm relaxed and have light around my face.
3:C1 Unnerved feeling with rapid heart beat.
5:C1 I do not know what that motion is. It is a twisting and a pulling and I resist: do not take me there. I had no control it was taking me there. Do not do that to me, do not take me there. It is a resisting. It is a rapid heartbeat and anxiety.
4:C1 Heat below my heart. Like a sense of anxiety.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles and feet.
5:C1 Spelling things wrong in the book: Red instead of Read.
2:C1 I tried to reach M. this morning to cancel because I had tough week. I was feeling very fragile and teary, but I wrote the numbers backwards, so I could not talk to her. I am glad I did not.
2:4 Dream: I have a new mechanic and I’m very concerned that he is going to charge me $325.00 rather than $300.00 for a new starter. Feeling anxiety about money. Then my old mechanic tells me he found an acupuncturist who is covered by insurance and although he still comes to me for acupuncture I feel anxiety about money that I could lose him as a patient.
2:12 Dream: I run into a friend in a food coop. She complains about the construction at her condominium. She is building it out. I wonder why she is complaining to me when she has so much more than I do.
5:10 Irritable and impatient with husband and friend.
1:C1 Tightness.
3:C1 Unnerved feeling with rapid heart beat.
3:C1 I feel very buzzy...
3:C2 Needing to take deep breaths to calm the muscles.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles, feet.
5:C1 ...An intense tingling...especially on the left side and two fingers of the right hand.
1:2 An effect I do like is that all tension in my body has let go. I am usually very tight in my muscles, feels like I’ve received multiple massages.
1:3 My body still feels GREAT.
1:5 My body is still doing really well am grounded body feels great with very little to no tension in muscles
1:9 Okay the effect of the remedy on my body is wearing off can feel tension in muscles returning.
2:5 Suddenly deeply tired. Can hardly sit up at the table.
3:14 Very tired today.
3:14 Bodily sensations of heat and cold in general.
3:C1 Rolling head in a circle.
3:C1 I have a sense of someone standing behind me pushing at the base of my neck. I am resisting it. It is very heavy and forceful.
1:C1 Rolling head in a circle.
3:C1 My scalp is so itchy. Scraping the substance makes me feel I am doing it to my head.
3:C1 The is a hum in my head “hmmmmmmmm” a high sound centered right at the top of my head.
5:C1 Want to bend my head back.
5:C1 Tingling at the top of the head.
5:C1 The tingling shifts to the neck and back of the head.
5:C1 Hot in the head.
5:C2 Head getting hotter.
5:C2 Heaviness behind the head.
5:C3 Head swirling around. Like Parkinson’s. Really loose
5:2 Base of neck, vertebral ache as I arch head back.
5:5 Itchy head on waking.
5:1 Head falling to the right as I was glancing/staring at the morning glories.
5:1 Head lolling with a slow falling to the right, then to the left, and then backwards.
5:1 Head slowly falling back with mouth open agape and stuck in that pose.
Head Pain:
3:C1 Pressure on temples.
2:5 Bilateral aching pain behind eyes.
Trying to remember my dreams but got a headache instead.
3:14 Intense headache with onset of period all day and feeling grumpy on and off.
5:1 Shooting pain in left temple, better pressure.
3:C1 Feel dizzy with rapid heart beat.
3:C1 Eyes burning.
2:C2 Eyes are burning.
5:C1 Tingling around the eyes.
5:1 Staring.
5:1 Cross-eyed gazing.
5:1 Caught in the gaze of the setting sun.
5:3 Mild photophobia to ocean/sun reflections.
5:C1 I had a bad tinnitus last night. Worse on the left.
2:3 Starting to get a cold. Nose dripping clear fluid. Right nostril blocked. Sniffling. Sneezing.
2:5 Left nostril dripping—watery, clear mucus.
2:5 Right nostril alternates from blocked to unblocked. Drpping watery clear discharge.
2:6 Sniffles all day.
2:6 Left nostril dripping watery clear mucus without warning and I am not aware it is dripping.
3:14 Runny nose.
3:C1 Grimacing. Frowning.
1:C2 Itching and a numbness to the face.
5:2 After driving home from tennis, noticed that my cheeks felt like “puckering up.”
3:C1 Heart rate increased feeling it in chest and throat, up and down between the two areas.
3:C1 Heart rate intermittent—fast, normal, fast, normal while my throat feels thick, narrow, like a lump in the throat.
5:C1 Burning throat.
External Throat:
1:C1 Stretching neck.
3:C1 Scratching throat/neck. Neck looks very red.
5:C1 It is in the neck something around the neck.
2:C1 Feeling nauseous
2:C1 Burping to release physical tension in the body.
3:C2 Thirsty
5:C1 More thirsty than normal.
5:C2 I can feel the heat of the tea go right down to my stomach.
4:C3 My hands are nice and warm now and they are not falling asleep as before, so that is good.
5:C3 Extreme desire for salt.
3:14 Appetite increased.
3:14 Thirsty.
3:14 Desires: salt.
4:5 Appetite increased since the proving started.
4:13 Acid reflux after eating Chinese food.
5:1 Food does not satiate.
5:2 Desire for salt.
5:6 Spicy food aggravates.
5:6 Desire for sweets.
5:8 Desire for salt.
3:C1 Lots of energy coursing through chest, upper abdominals
3:C2 I am getting a very sharp abdominal pain. It is below the solar plexus, especially when breathing in.
4:C1 Elevated heart beat...I can feel my heart beat in the abdomen.
2:C1 Heat felt in the center of the sternum.
3:C1 Heart skipping around as if outside my chest. Beating fast.
3:C1 Heart rate increased feeling it in chest and throat, up and down between the two areas.
3:C1 Heart rate interminttent—fast, normal, fast, normal while my throat feels thick, narrow, like a lump in the throat.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles, feet.
5:C2 Aching pain in the pubic bone. Better pressure.
3:C3 Tightness in the chest.
4:C1 Elevated heart beat...I can feel my heart beat in the abdomen.
5:C1 I feel a lactation let down.
5:C1 My heart rate increased in my chest.
5:C2 Heart rate increased again.
Onset of period: headache and grumpiness.
2:C1 Needing to take a deep breath.
3:C1 My breathing got faster to the point of hyperventilating when talking about snakes. and then stopped.
3:C2 Needing to take deep breaths to calm the muscles.
3:C2 I am getting a very sharp abdominal pain. It is below the solar plexus, especially when breathing in.
5:C2 Aching pain in the pubic bone. Better pressure.
2:14 Dry cough from a tickle.
1:C1 Stretching neck.
2:C1 Very aware of my spine and as I say “consciousness of spine” my spine feels very hot.
3:C1 I have a sense of someone standing behind me pushing at the base of my neck. I am resisting it. It is very heavy and forceful.
5:C1 The tingling shifts from top of head to the neck (cervical region) and back of the head.
5:C1 It is in the neck something around the neck.
5:C2 Sensation on my back. This remedy is making this band on my back hot and burning. I have had suppressed poison Ivy there. It is formication and burning. It was a major suppression of poison Ivy. I cannot stand the itch.
3:14 Has had a very small cyst for a long time on my back, after the proving it started to become tender and it has grown, much bigger. It is sore and pink. Maybe it is time to have it removed.
3:14 Tension in neck and upper back. Tenderness Cervical region.
4:8 My back seems to be doing pretty good in general – not perfect, but much better than before the proving started.
5:2 Woke with a sore neck…at the base.
5:2 Base of neck, vertebral ache as I arch head back. Pain and soreness throughout the day at base of neck.
5:3 Woke with a very stiff neck (base of neck)
5:3 Aching of left cervical area.
5:11 Woke with soreness at the base of the neck and aching of cervical vertebrae when arching the head back. Worse right. Better massage.
5:12 Pain neck worse least motion.
5:13 Woke up with very sore neck.
1:C1 More aware of my arms and hands.
2:C1 Heaviness and tingling in legs
2:C1 Feet really, really hot.
2:C2 Feet very restless
2:C2 Feet feel prominent; very aware of them. They get hot and then cold.
3:C1 Tingly feeling in hands and arms.
3:C1 Scratching feet against each other.
3:C1 My feet usually very quiet but I cannot stop moving them.
They are very cold. Got up to get socks and I feel my feet are not touching the floor.
3:C1 I am good, very buzzy, effervescent feeling at the surface of my hands.
4:C1 Hands and Feet very cold.
5:C1 Achy shoulder. Better pressure (old injury)
3:C2 Feet moving back and forth.
3:C2 Right knee bothering me, it is stuck, I want to crack it.
3:C2 Feet very restless.
3:C2 Feet moving constantly with tight, rigid feeling in them.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles, feet.
4:C2 Numbness in fingers and thumb of left hand.
4:C2 Numbness of the whole left hand, except for little finger.
4:C2 Feet hot then cold and very restless.
3:C2 My feet have calmed down.
5:C2 My feet calmed down too.
1:T Evening: Had a cramp on the left calf. It was so intense that left the leg feeling deeply bruised.
2:1 Big crack in left shoulder when put computer down.
2:1 A lot of energy in my feet.
2:2 My feet get very, very icy suddenly.
4:14 Legs and feet have been more relaxed during the proving.
5:14 Woke with tingling left thumb and index and middle fingers.
Extremities Pain:
5:C1 During the surge of tingling the neuroma on my left foot got worse.
5:C2 My right elbow hurts.
1:T Evening: Had a cramp on the left calf. It was so intense that left the leg feeling deeply bruised.
2:8 Extreme sharp aching pain in left small toe, better by flicking it.
2:6 Deep aching pain in right lower leg; almost numb.
3:13 Joints - for the first time in many weeks, my joints are sore - my left elbow and hip in particular (hx of bursitis) - feeling a little panicky about it - fear of the bursitis coming back.
5:1 Left lower forearm, just below my elbow, had a fleeting bursitis-like pain…an aching and not intense. Better pressing on it.
5:1 Sudden stabbing pain in middle joint of first digit of left hand. It was brief.
5:1 Return of left elbow/forearm aching…intermittent, darting pain. Better pressing and rubbing.
5:1 Itching left forearm with vesicular eruption.
5:2 Awakened by sharp stabbing mid-calf pain (left)
5:7 Right elbow pain on waking.
5:9 Darting pain at base of left first finger…palm side.
5:9 Darting pain inner right wrist.
5:10 Woke with pain in back of hand at the base of left thumb.
5:13 Woke up with tingling in left thumb, index and middle finger.
3:C2 I feel very sleepy.
4:10 Awake from 1-4
4:12 Awake from 12 to 2 am in a state of over-stimulation. Lots of stuff swirling around in my head, yet I woke up refreshed.
5:2 Insomnia 12:30-2:30 am.
5:4 Insomnia 1:30-3:00 am.
5:13 Insomnia 1:00-3:00 am.
1:C1 Electric tingle on the surface of the skin, itching, and sensation of complete static (electrostatic) on the outside of the skin.
3:C1 Itchiness all over body. Starts in head, scalp, eyebrows and knees.
3:C1 Itchiness increasing, I need to scratch all over. Scratching feet against one another.
5:C2 Sensation on my back. This remedy is making this band on my back hot and burning. I have had suppressed poison Ivy there. It is formication and burning. It was a major suppression of poison Ivy. I cannot stand the itch.
4:9 I had a pretty intense itch on the inside of my right leg about 6 to 8 inches above my ankle. I had to scratch it; the skin looked very dry.
This remedy is available at
2:C1 Is that painting a take on the Garden of Eden? Like the Garden of Eden for gay people. Like, you know, 2 women with 2 snakes. I am like look at those snakes, but they are guava? I thought Guavas were round. They definitely look like snakes to me.
5:C1 I made a mistake on the proving notebook, marking myself as M (male) when I should have put F (female)! When I realized the mistake later I corrected it.
5:C2 Our husbands, Yeah…not tonight honey. I suddenly felt sorry for…what is your name? I was feeling sorry about you being a guy and we are sharing intimate issues and how does it feel to you. You are red!
5:C3 Picked up a book about gay relationships. An in-depth study of lesbians.
5:C3 Before the Trituration I went to my massage therapist, who is lesbian and she was somewhat abusive reproaching me for having had one spot of poison ivy on my ankle and not having notified her ahead of time.
Dream that night of making love to her.
5:C3 Then I go to P-town and I am getting hit on by some women. Asked M. do I look gay to you?
Then we took the cases of young twins. I have always suspected of one of them being a lesbian and she is the shameless one. The mom is like, is she a lesbian? because she is really into sports.
1:16 As I was listening to others speak and the intimacy/sexual points came out I wanted to tell of myself but chose not to. Over the last two weeks my sexual hunger had been immense!
2:2 My boyfriend wants to be near me all the time. He says that I am more open.
2:3 Dream: we are somewhere and there are two double beds. I am doing something in my own world while relaxing in bed. After I while, I look over and I realize there are 6-7 people on the other bed. I tell them I will share my bed. They say they didn't want to bother me. Even my boyfriend is on the other bed.
2:7 Boyfriend says this proving is making you so soft and amorous.
2:10 Dream: I run into my homeopathy friend (she died five years ago) In the dream she survived her cancer but then I didn’t’ know what happened to her. She told me she has two practices, one in Wyoming and one on the east coast and was flying back and forth. I am very happy to see her but feel concerned for her health. She said she bought a house with a patient. I wonder if they are in a relationship and if the patient is male. I feel sad that I might not see her again.
2:13 Dream: I am walking down the street and a group of nude middle aged women are playing lacrosse. The ball comes my way. I throw it back. They are very impressed with my throw.
3:1 Dream: Talking with boyfriend on the phone - while on the phone (we are apart in different places) we start to kiss and my whole pelvic area starts to hurt and I tell us to stop (How can we kiss through the phone???).
3:3 Dream: Sexual dream wanting and trying to have sex with boyfriend and feeling pelvic pain and having to stop.
3:8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean and it was revealed to me that my parents had former spouses and they had “cheated” before they got together. We were deciding on whether to go out to eat. I decided to stay home. I floated in the pool eating French fries.
3:10 Dream: I’m in a relationship; it’s a long distance one. It’s a guy I was seeing in college—I’m here and he is in Michigan. I go to see him and we miss each other and I’m so afraid of losing him. Another girl asks me what I’m more afraid of: losing him or my daughter and I say him (is my daughter in this dream?? It takes place 25 years ago…) we kiss. He has this beautiful V-shaped, rippled, perfect muscular body. We are surrounded by partying college students. I see a desk and I’m sifting through all these letters from broken-hearted girls. I leave to go find ice (very vivid), I find ice, look for a baggy to put it in. I find it and bring it back to my boyfriend. He’s grateful...what does he need it for?
3:12 Dream: Seeing a colleague from long ago (She is retired and probably close to seventy in real life). In the dream she looked about 30, perfect hair, skin, v-shaped-perfect body, great “abs”!
It’s so funny to see her look so youthful and sexy—she is a lesbian and I had a crush on her (in real life). She looked very happy.
4:3 Dream – In a group doing a line dance – males and females were fused just above the legs with bodies angled like an “X”. I felt warmth and swelling from my partner whom I did not know. I was a little uncomfortable with this, but not devastated. My thought was ‘he’s a man, he can’t help it.’ I did not feel any anger or bad feelings toward him.
5:1 Shameless thoughts after been over heated by eating spicy food…I wanted to take my shirt off.
5:1 Woke with another man on my mind, wondering how he figures into my constellation and how he keeps being brought back into my vortex.
5:1 Thought of having multiple partners and wrestling with the morality of it.
5:2 Made an effort to look a bit more attractive than I normally would…head up, shoulders down, painted eyebrows.
5:13 Serious discussion with lesbian client, who was in denial of her lesbianism, but expressing her full love of a woman. She was unable to admit to it because her religion forbids homosexuality, yet she is extremely conflicted and torn about her marriage.
4:Extraction: Increased sexual desire and increased sexual activity. As if I was back 23 years ago. This felt like “the fountain of youth” remedy. I do not want to lose it when we close the proving.
5:Extraction: My lesbian client does not know she is a lesbian, but she looks like one. She comes to the consultation in FedEx blue uniform and the big boots, while carrying a “Coach” little bag and wearing pearl earrings that her girlfriend gave her. She cannot even go there because of her religion. She is very thin, tall and muscular. Losing this woman friend whom she loves deeply would be massive for her. She lost her mother when she was 15 to breast cancer.
Prejudice/Assuming Prejudice
5:C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car. Went to the police stationed at the Shaw’s Supermarket. The police was not helpful and said “get the hell out of here.” Teenagers are not trusted by adults. They got that sense from these officials.
2:2 Dream: I met some children from Taiwan, maybe on the train. They speak to me in Chinese thinking I can't understand. I do understand (in real life I understand some Chinese) and speak back to them. I tell them I used to live in Taiwan. They are amazed we are talking because others have treated them with prejudice.
2:12 Dream: I am living in a place where the outdoor space is VERY close to the neighbors’. I look over and there are some people from North Africa. They look back at me worried that I might be prejudiced. I hope they speak French so I can communicate with them and maybe I can learn some good recipes from them.
5:5 Really tried to avoid the police by making a wide circle and aware of their presence when going to “Occupy Boston.” Sensitive to issues of protesters at “Occupy Wall St./Boston.”
Hidden and Secret
3:C1 I feel invisible. You look here and you would not see me. Camouflaged and wanting to be.
3:C1 I wanted the sound of laughing to stop, but I did not want to say it until you asked what was happening for me.
1:16 As I was listening to others speak and the intimacy/sexual points came out I wanted to tell of myself but chose not to. Over the last two weeks my sexual hunger had been immense.
2:1 Dream: A very tall very voluptuous super model has a young daughter and is putting her in a private school. The administration is under the impression that she has very little money and will charge her $300.00 a semester. The models’ friend tells her that she’d better hide the fashion magazines with her pictures in them so the school doesn’t find out that she is a person of means.
2:13 Dream: I am at a house with another woman and we are furtively hiding behind the garage. I sneak around over ice patches to enter the house and get lots of food. I’m not sure if I’m stealing? I return and tell the other woman she doesn’t need to go shopping. There’s a guy looking for us but we are well hidden.
3:2 Dream: I was in a house with my brothers and sisters, all grown up like today. My oldest sister was telling me not to say anything to my parents about my health problems anymore, that they couldn’t take it. It was too much for them. I became very angry and screamed that I would say the truth no matter what.
3-8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean and it was revealed to me that my parents had former spouses and they had “cheated” before they got together. We were deciding on whether to go out to eat. I decided to stay home. I floated in the pool eating French fries.
5:C3 Since I was a kid I was clairvoyant and it is ok now. It used to be “what is wrong with you?” - a paranoia attached to death. It was attached to my friend dying when I was 14 and my boyfriend dying and me having a clairvoyant perception around that.
It is a secret and it is so special and so disbelieved and so misunderstood and you have to live with it in your life. When someone says they get it and they understand it there is a sense of interconnectedness and belonging. It is there I do not have to deny it and it is part of this universe. It is energetic force.
5:13 Serious discussion with lesbian client, who was in denial of her lesbianism, but expressing her full love of a woman. She was unable to admit to it because her religion forbids homosexuality, yet she is extremely conflicted and torn about her marriage.
5:1 Our dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins lives were spared.
Worth noting: During the proving all the Supervisors got news of a colleague being diagnosed with cancer, but she wanted to keep it a secret—something to be shared only with close friends and family.
2:10 Dream: I run into my homeopathy friend (she died five years ago) In the dream she survived her cancer but then I didn’t’ know what happened to her. She told me she has two practices, one in Wyoming and one on the east coast and was flying back and forth. I am very happy to see her but feel concerned for her health. She said she bought a house with a patient. I wonder if they are in a relationship and if the patient is male. I feel sad that I might not see her again.
2:10 Dream: I run into a couple from Taiwan who I’d lost touch with who had taken me in 20 years ago. (the woman died of cancer years ago) I’m so happy to see them and tell their daughter how fun they are. They are just having a good time getting to know the U.S. I tell them I have a friend Dom who is a chef and they tell me they have a chef friend Dom too, but we realize they are different people and we laugh about it. I’m looking forward to showing them around; it will be really fun.
2:11 There is a guy who sells newspapers that I’ve seen outside every day for years near my office. Two weeks ago there’s a new guy there. I ask him where’s the other guy? He died of throat cancer.
2:Extraction: Just heard a friend has acute leukemia.
5:7 While at a bank sealing financial deal for new house, noticed an appeal to help family of newborn twins whose mother was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
5:Extraction: ...Losing her friend whom she loves deeply would be massive for her. She lost her mother when she was 15 to breast cancer.
Worth noting: During the proving all the Supervisors got news of a colleague being diagnosed with cancer.
3:C1 Feel very sad, but don’t know why. Mood changed from giddy to sadness—cries.
3:C2 The story of the cathode ray/TV emanation proving, where this woman felt loved by her father only when they watched TV together, brings a lot of sadness and tears. As soon as S. said it I was catapulted there in an instant, sitting on a couch in the dark with a TV flashing...It is all overwhelming sadness right now.
Quiet, big girls don’t cry. Don’t go there – stay – please.
5:C1 Sons told the story of the woman who died in the flood. They met her boyfriend in the shelter.
5:C1 I feel a lactation let down and now the tingling is rising.
(Weeping) I do not know why I am sad. It is coming up. It is me rising. An intense tingling. (Weeping). I do not feel sad. I guess it is a kind of energy. But there are tears.
5:C3 When I was a kid I was clairvoyant and it is ok now. It used to be “what is wrong with you?” - a paranoia attached to death. It was attached to my friend dying when I was 14 and my boyfriend dying and me having a clairvoyant perception around that.
5:C3 I am a beekeeper. There was not much honey this year. The bees work really hard at making their honey. Sharing for survival is what comes to me. How to keep the hive alive and keep it going year after year, going through the winters? It is huge. (Weeping). I need to get them cane sugar. White Sugar is a poison for them and that is what everybody feeds them, so they are killing the bees. This is about survival and having enough food for them to get through.
One of the dreams I had was about rationing chocolate. You have to give it out slowly. They are going to die. A lot of death, but we are saving the queen and some others. In spring we see who is left, who is flying out in the first warm weather and seeing the sun.
5:C3 Massive overwhelming sense of beauty, awe and wonder of the color and emotions. We capture the death on the other side of the proving. Massive destruction by men’s influence. It is more the inner relationship to the outer.
5:C3 “The march of the Penguins” Being in the center and watching the center and going in and out of the heat and protection.
3:C3 Listening to the story about bees I feel intense sadness and grief again.
2:4 Dream: My friend who just died. We are hanging out.
2:7 Walking around the city contemplating the living and the dead; how illness changes a life. Wondering if my friend will die. The world feels so differently when someone is so ill. I’m sad.
2:7 Walked to Chinatown. The street was blocked off. Around 200 bricks just fell off the face of an old building. I wonder if anyone was hit.
2:11 There is a guy who sells newspapers that I’ve seen outside every day for years near my office. Two weeks ago there’s a new guy there. I ask him where’s the other guy? He died of throat cancer
2:Extraction: One thing that happened around the proving is death and sickness. Before the proving started I found out a friend died and during the proving a good friend was diagnosed with acute leukemia. He could easily die.
5:1 Our dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins lives were spared.
5:12 Our son was worried about our travels coming up. He requested information on how to contact lawyer regarding our wills.
5:Extraction: ...Losing her friend whom she loves deeply, would be massive for her.
Connection to the Group and Safety in the Group
5:C3 We are having this very special experience. We are being held. Such respect. I have done provings before and I have not been held like this.
3:C3 I feel gratitude as people speak. It feels safe. I do not feel that very often in groups. Normally I feel invisible in the sense that I say something and no one listens, so I tend to stop talking. In this group the silence is from feeling comfortable and safe. Different feeling. So much noise outside and every body screaming to be heard. I tend to be more of a witness and not a participant.
5:C3 When someone says they get it and they understand it there is a sense of interconnectedness and belonging.
5:C3 “The march of the Penguins” Being in the center and watching the center and going in and out of the heat and protection.
2:3 Dream: we are somewhere and there are two double beds. I am doing something in my own world while relaxing in bed. After I while, I look over and I realize there are 6-7 people on the other bed. I tell them I will share my bed. They say they didn't want to bother me. Even my boyfriend is on the other bed.
2:13 Dream: I am walking down the street and a group of nude middle aged women are playing lacrosse. The ball comes my way. I throw it back. They are very impressed with my throw.
3-8 Dream: I am a child in a family with maybe a sibling or two.
My mother is my mother in real life. My father is my father in real life but at times he is not. We live in a beautiful house on the coast of California. We were floating in a pristine pool looking at the ocean...
3:10 Dream: I arrive at parents house, my childhood home. My sisters and brothers are there too, but we are all adults now. They serve macaroni and cheese for dinner and I say I cannot eat it because of my chronic bladder problem. I leave to get something else for me to eat. They do not understand...
4:3 We were invited to our favorite Chinese restaurant by a friend, his partner and his grown children from different marriages, who traveled up from different parts of the country and were together for the first time ever. All his children seem to be doing well and are very pleasant company. It was a nice celebration.
4:8 Church seemed especially nice today – it’s always pleasant to see so many familiar faces. The service and music were excellent.
5:2 Watched movement of “occupy Wall Street” on U Tube. Moved by how this generation is finally banning together for action…waking up to solidarity…tingling at the thought of it, throughout trunk and legs. I wonder how my Republican friends (former Wall Street worker) whom I’m having lunch with today will think of all this…taking the planet back…tears of joy.
Authority/Trust only One Another
5:C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car. Went to the police stationed at the Shaw’s Supermarket. The police was not helpful and said “get the hell out of here.” Teenagers are not trusted by adults. They got that sense from these officials.
A person that overheard the interaction sent them to the shelter at the High School. A person at the shelter helped them, fed them, gave them dry clothes and drove them around the state for an hour to get them out of there. The biggest learning was to just trust one another and the common fellow, the people around you who are like you, not the police or the authority.
5:C1 Do not trust officials and mafia and people running the show.
5:C3 I feel self-conscious. Approval is another part of this. Did I do ok?
5:1 Our dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins’ lives were spared.
5:5 Sensitive to issues of protesters at “Occupy Wall St/Boston.”
5:5 Sensitive/empathic to man begging for funds to help pay for his back surgery (wearing a back brace).
2:Extraction: Somebody stole my computer from my office the day before the Trituration. I went to the police and had to wait for one hour to talk to someone. He types something and gives you a sheet of paper and tells you to go pick up a police report 5 miles away. I go there thinking that I will talk to a detective, but that did not happen. They gave me another piece of paper and said they will call me. Nobody got back to me. I called, I faxed, nothing! The Police is like my memory; they are not there when you need them.
5:Extraction: Research about Occupy Wall Street indicates that the authority is not taking care of us.
Drugged State/Color and Light/Vortex of Energy
2:C1 The color is beautiful. I goes with the pad.
2: C1 Feeling content in my own little world absorbing colors around me which feel intense and beautiful. Others are feeling sad but I can’ deal with their sadness now. I deal with patients all week and don’t want to feel sympathy. I just want to be content in my safe magical world.
3:C1 I feel very giddy, giggling and laughing.
3:C1 My mood has changed to sadness. I do not know what the feeling is. At first floating like my feet were not touching the floor and now I am down very sad. (weeping)
3:C1 I have a sense of someone standing behind me pushing at the base of my neck. I am resisting it. It is very heavy and forceful.
5:C1 Rocking side to side and a heaviness. The tingling is in my face. I feel teary. It’s not a sadness but a heaviness in my body. An elephant trudging,,,an ant sort of,,,the activity of this back and forth.
5:C1 Heaviness is lifted and sort of an open feeling.
5:C1 Rocking, staring, pulled into the colors, druggy.
2:C1 Like I am on a drug; the colors are intense and jumping out.
2:C1 I felt so fragile coming in and the purple and the mustard colors comfort me. I will try to tone it down.
3:C1 I got an image of riding a horse and it matches the scraping.
5:C1 It is a staring and being caught in a pattern and being pulled in.
5:C1 I do not know what that motion is. It is a twisting and a pulling and I resist: do not take me there. I had no control it was taking me there. Do not do that to me, do not take me there. It is a resisting. It is a rapid heartbeat and anxiety.
4:C1 Staring.
4:C1 Checking out the match box on the table. The wrinkle in the table runner is annoying me.
2:C1 The regularity of the triturating puts me in a trance.
3:C1 It is hard not to look at it (trituration bowl). I am drawn to it. It is very soothing.
3:C1 I look at my hands as if they are not mine. As if they belong to somebody else. It is a weird detachment from my body.
5:C1 Something just brushed against my skin. Do you have a fly in here or something?
3:C1 Humming in my head.
3:C1 I am very buzzy like an effervescence.
5:C1 Time is moving very slowly.
5:C2 I am so drawn to the plums. They are so glistening; they match your shirt.
2:C2 I feel upset that the mustard colored mat under the trituration bowl was taken away from me as it went to the next person. I derived a lot of comfort from the purple of my shirt next to the mustard of the mat.
3:C2 Brightness of color.
5:C2 Totally hyper-focused, especially on the bright blue (leaning towards the color) Can you stop me? or let me go?
2:C2 It is like we are in our own little world with these colors.
5:C2 It is like a staring and you cannot break the trance.
4:C2 Is this sound annoying you?
5:C2 How did you know? Are we on the same thing? I am giddy. This is not my natural state except for being hot. I have not done pot for thirty-five years.
1:C2 I just envisioned you smoking a joint.
5:C2 It is like my hands have their own controls. Like they are separate.
5:C2 Sensation of everything really slowing down. No anxiety, more relaxed. Staring goes with it. (Leaning to the left.)
2:C2 It looks like someone is going to fall over.
5:C2 That must be me. I am ok. Don’t worry, I am just going with the feeling. Leaning one way and then the other. I think my head is heavy I think that is what it is. I better don’t stay this way. (Laughing) I have to function in the world.
5:C2 This staring is something. It pulls you into the color patterns on the table. Now I have to focus.
2:C2 No, just go into a trance and go with it.
5:C2 I am hyper-focused on yellow.
2:C2 This box is so beautiful (match box with yellow roses)
2:C2 I am only into mustard today.
2:C2 I am spacing out. I cannot express the question.
5:C2 It is a trance.
2:C2 It is like I could go into a little bubble and stare at colors.
5:C2 Sensation of everything really slowing down. No anxiety more relaxed. Staring goes with it. Leaning to the left.
3:C2 Staring. Very serious.
3:C2 Picturing a furry cat. Big furry cat and tail. Grey huge eyes. I feel very sleepy.
5:C3 That was a massive swirl; just a swirl of energy, a vortex, heat and a kind of a burning. What comes to mind (Weeping) is when I saw a Monet exhibit: massive overwhelming sense of beauty, awe and wonder of the colors and emotions. We capture the death on the other side of the proving. Massive destruction by men's influence. It is more the inner relationship to the outer.
2:C3 I feel like a little kid. I am sitting in the corner playing with my toys and looking at the colors. I do not have to play with others. Sitting by myself in my own little world. The adults have their thing, but I am not part of it. I like to be by myself in my safe magical world. It is nice to have simplicity again. To sit and stare at something and do not have a care in the world.
2:C3 Purple is a color of royalty.
2:C3 These red mugs do not seem like real mugs. They seem like paintings of Mugs. Who were you talking about? Monet ? It looks as if they just stepped out of his paintings. Like a surreal quality!!
1:4 Journey last night; Came to a garden, there really was no way in, I walked to an area where the shrubbery was low. At that point a woman who was floating came to the hedge, she was with golden hair a tight glowing gown around her. She was the essence of beauty. There was no talking, she looked me over from head to toe then bent down touched a flower the flower grew large it towered over me, when it stopped growing the stem then opened. I could see the woman on the other side of the flower. She smiled at me and the wings came from her back and she flew off back in the direction she had come.
I walked in the garden was amazing. There were all types of flowers you could imagine. They were all very large as though I had been made smaller. Then I saw animals were there, dogs, cats deer, turtles, and yes lions, tigers etc. it was like Noah’s arc. However all the animals had wings and were feasting on the nectar from the flowers. I stayed a while and just observed while enjoying the bliss of the garden. After I had been there for some time, the woman who I believe was the keeper of the garden returned she gently took me by the hand led me back to the opening after I walked out the opening closed the flower then receded back to its original size. She was gone.It was time for my journey to be over.
1:10 Journey again; this time I flew. I was taken to a mountain top. There I saw a crystal palace. The palace had a waterfall within it. It was not water that came from the waterfall but was a golden liquid; feeling the liquid it was as if I was touching pure love. I did not see anyone at this journey I stayed there for what seemed like hours at peace. And then came back.
1:13 I had dream initially I was a marshmallow; yes a big and white square with little legs and arms. It did feel weird, but nice at the same time. I began to expand then began to float as I grew more airy I was then a cloud floating in the sky. I floated over the land scape of trees and houses till I eventually dissipated.
1:2 Delusion in half waking state: vortex of white clouds.
5:4 Caught by the flickering light of the mini-rainbows created by crystals hanging in the window.
Good Outcomes
5:C1 My sons were camping in Vermont and got caught in the flood from Hurricane Irene. They left the camping site and went to a hotel. The hotel flooded and they waded to their car. Went to the police stationed at the Shaw’s Supermarket, The police was not helpful and said ‘get the hell out of here.’ A person that overheard the interaction sent them to the shelter at the High School. A family at the shelter helped them, fed them, gave them dry clothes and drove them around the state for an hour to get them out of there.
5:C2 As a result of the flooding a guy set up a web site that connected people, so donations went where they were needed.
4:C2 My husband works for the fire department and after the flooding they got all this food from Tennessee but no one needed it in our town. We were ok. They gave it to people south of us that lost their homes. They have this location set up where anyone that needs anything can just go and take it. People were really ok.
1:4 Dream: This night I did dream. The dream reflected my work at Fedex. At work things tend to be a bit hectic and can be stressful, however in my dreams they were so very smooth. Everything and everybody happening just as it would in a perfect world.
1:5 My dreams each night have been about my work at Fedex. I go to work and it is the same each night the work goes flawlessly all employees are happy, no complaining by anyone (this is not normal for the employees) it is not just myself it is everyone that things go perfect for.
3:1 Dream: I’m with Karen, my teacher assistant, working (?) No, not at school, but we’re talking - about movies we’ve seen. We depart and I’m driving along a residential road and suddenly there’s flooding, everywhere. I can see the water flooding streets, homes, lots of mud. I was safe in the car...the feeling was that I needed to get away from there but knowing that all was going to be ok.
3:6 Dream: With family (brothers and sisters) we decide to go out, reluctantly I go knowing I can’t drink b/c of my bladder (chronic condition of the prover) I’m with one of my sisters, only now with a bunch of her friends in the bar. I’m mad because she’s ignoring me but she asks to split a beer with me. I say ok but don’t drink it. We’re now outside around a big swimming pool. I move around the pool, stepping over grass, chairs, people and find a place/big chair. It’s dirty and I sit alone when suddenly EMTs are sprinting by with equipment, backboards, etc. A teenager boy has stopped breathing in the pool. He was with a bunch of other boys, horsing around in pool and went under water and he is not breathing. EMTs bring him back and everyone cheers. It’s very vivid and dramatic. The boys go back to horsing around like nothing’s happened at all
5:7 Dream: Husband and I are kayaking down a riverbed with very low water. Water begins to rise fairly rapidly. All is well, mood was fun.
Innocence and Child
2:C1 I feel like a child playing with a toy banging the pestle on the table. Still in my own little world.
2:C3 I feel like a little kid. I am sitting in the corner playing with my toys and looking at the colors. I do not have to play with others. Sitting by myself in my own little world. The adults have their thing, but I am not part of it. I like to be by myself in my safe magical world. It is nice to have simplicity again. To sit and stare at something and do not have a care in the world.
1:C3 Can K, come out and play?
2:C3 No, I want to play by myself. I would go out to play but I would sit in the sandbox and let you do your thing.
1:C3 I would be on the jungle Gym.
1:4 Journey last night; Came to a garden, there really was no way in, I walked to an area where the shrubbery was low. At that point a woman who was floating came to the hedge, she was with golden hair a tight glowing gown around her. She was the essence of beauty. There was no talking, she looked me over from head to toe then bent down touched a flower the flower grew large it towered over me, when it stopped growing the stem then opened. I could see the woman on the other side of the flower. She smiled at me and the wings came from her back and she flew off back in the direction she had come.
I walked in the garden was amazing. There were all types of flowers you could imagine. They were all very large as though I had been made smaller. Then I saw animals were there, dogs, cats deer, turtles, and yes lions, tigers etc. it was like Noah’s arc. However all the animals had wings and were feasting on the nectar from the flowers. I stayed a while and just observed while enjoying the bliss of the garden. After I had been there for some time, the woman who I believe was the keeper of the garden returned she gently took me by the hand led me back to the opening after I walked out the opening closed the flower then receded back to its original size. She was gone.
It was time for my journey to be over.
2:2 Dream: my friend had a young daughter who was misbehaving. He hit her very hard on the bottom. He felt badly about it but it was what needed to be done.
2:2 Dream: a little girl
2:2 Dream: I met some children from Taiwan, maybe on the train. They speak to me in Chinese thinking I can't understand. I do understand (in real life I understand some Chinese) and speak back to them. I tell them I used to live in Taiwan. They are amazed we are talking because others have treated them with prejudice.
2:2 Dream: about my young niece (she is 9) She is sleeping in a bed with me and we are talking intimately.
2:12 I receive an e-mail that my young niece (the one I keep dreaming about) has tricophagia – she is pulling her hair out to eat the roots.
2:13 Dream: I am with my young niece (10 years old) at a comedy show. We are laughing.
5:C3 Took the cases of young twins who needed an insect remedy.
5:1 One dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins’ lives were spared.
5:7 While at a bank sealing financial deal for new house, noticed an appeal to help family of newborn twins whose mother was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
Jealousy and Aggression
5:C2 I think jealousy is part of this. It just popped in my head. I am jealous of you and your relationship with S. and I am jealous of you because you are gorgeous.
5: C3 Before Trituration-Dream: Very Jealous of husband who has another woman mistress. She was pregnant with his baby. I had gone sailing with him and I’m swimming along side of the boat and I intentionally tip his boat over and am holding him down under the water, I was so angry with the news of him and this mistress. As I brought him up from under the water I bit him on his face. Later in the dream I am shopping and I buy a very expensive long coat, just to “make him pay.”…make him suffer more.
2:2 Dream: My friend had a young daughter who was misbehaving. He hit her very hard on the bottom. He felt badly about it, but it was what needed to be done.
3:2 Dream: I was in a house with my brothers and sisters, all grown up like today. My oldest sister was telling me not to say anything to my parents about my health problems anymore, that they couldn’t take it. It was too much for them. I became very angry and screamed that I would say the truth no matter what.
3:6 Dreams: With family (brothers and sisters) and we decide to go out. I go reluctantly, knowing I can’t drink b/c of my chronic bladder condition. I’m now with one of my sisters and a bunch of her friends at a bar. I’m mad because she’s ignoring me but she asks to split a beer with me. I say ok but don’t drink it.
5:2 My tennis game is much more aggressive in the “put away” shots.
5:3 Feeding the bees “tailings” of sugar feed so they can “lick the spoon.” Noticed how yellow jackets are much more aggressive to other yellow jackets and honey bees than honey bees are to one another.
Hard work/Productivity/Excess of Activity
5:C3 Before the proving I was in such a frenzy telling myself would you just stop? I need a moment. I told my husband I am going to stop gardening and working and cooking you have to do it.
2:1 I am up late for me. I am not tired at all.
4:3 Productive physical work – I worked on firewood for us, for a client and put in a load of sugarwood for our maple sugar business.
It involved lifting heavy chunks into the splitter, loading it in my truck and unloading. Got stuck in the mud on our client’s lawn, so I had to carry the wood an extra 50’ before stacking it.
4:6 Busy day: Cut, split, delivered and stacked ¼ cord of firewood, led a prayer group meeting, mowed nine lawns.
4:7 In between moving bales of hay I came home and put segments of our dinner together and into the oven – winter squash, potatoes and beets from our garden along with a ham. It was an interesting way to prepare dinner but it worked out well in the end and we had a lovely visit with our neighbors.
4:8 Dream: I had a dream that I don’t clearly remember. I was doing some work at the home of one of our caretaking clients – cleaning up some big trees that were blown down by tropical storm Irene. The feeling was, “Oh darn, I could have done this work much more efficiently.” It wasn’t a devastating feeling – just a wish that I had the information I had needed to be more efficient.
4:14 When at a seminar normally I have to fight to stay awake in the afternoon, but not this time. I think it is related to the proving.
5:3 Procrastination at work
5:6 Frantic business with meetings and shopping.
5:8 Industrious day in the garden.
5:9 Industrious morning in the garden. Having excess energy to do the work.
Indisposed to talk
2:C1 You are so quiet back there have not heard a peep out of you.
2:C1 Feeling content in my own little world absorbing colors around me which feel intense and beautiful. Others are feeling sad but I can’ deal with their sadness now. I deal with patients all week and don’t want to feel sympathy. I just want to be content in my safe magical world.
2:CI I feel like another prover is going on and on about a very uninteresting story to me and I wish she would be quiet.
2:C2 I feel really, really quiet. I am happy to be here but I do not feel like talking.
2:C2 I feel very still, very quiet.
2:C3 I want to play by myself. I would go out to play but I would sit in the sandbox and let you do your thing.
2:C1 My friend used to have a mocking bird that would imitate a car alarm.
2:C1 That is really a bird! He is being territorial. Is that cat instigating the bird?
3:C1 I got an image of riding a horse and it goes in rhythm with the scraping.
3:C1 Breathing got fast almost hyperventilating when people were talking about snakes.
5:C1 That chipmunk has started again (chirp).
2:C1 S, your phone is ringing (when hearing the bird/chipmunk chirping)
2:C2 It is about birds.
3:C2 Pecking on my paper. Picture in my mind of a bird and a beak.
3:C2 Picturing a furry cat. Big furry cat and tail. Grey huge eyes.
2:C2 Do you get wild animals here? Wild turkeys, deer, fox, coyote, raccoons, fisher cats...
4:C2 No wonder you cat is skittish.
3:C2 We live in a town house and we put flower boxes in the back and we grew beans. We taught the dog how to pick them. She is a Corgi and he loves beans.
5:C3 “The march of the Penguins” Being in the center and watching the center and going in and out of the heat and protection.
1:4 Journey last night; Came to a garden, there really was no way in, I walked to an area where the shrubbery was low. At that point a woman who was floating came to the hedge, she was with golden hair a tight glowing gown around her. She was the essence of beauty. There was no talking, she looked me over from head to toe then bent down touched a flower the flower grew large it towered over me, when it stopped growing the stem then opened. I could see the woman on the other side of the flower. She smiled at me and the wings came from her back and she flew off back in the direction she had come.
I walked in the garden was amazing. There were all types of flowers you could imagine. They were all very large as though I had been made smaller. Then I saw animals were there, dogs, cats deer, turtles, and yes lions, tigers etc. it was like Noah’s arc. However all the animals had wings and were feasting on the nectar from the flowers. I stayed a while and just observed while enjoying the bliss of the garden. After I had been there for some time, the woman who I believe was the keeper of the garden returned she gently took me by the hand led me back to the opening after I walked out the opening closed the flower then receded back to its original size. She was gone. It was time for my journey to be over.
1:12 I was at home and was visited by a flicker (woodpecker). I was in the living room and there was a knock on the front door. I open the door and there is no one there. I close the door and there is knocking again. I open the door again, no one is there. I look to my left and on the door jamb is a woodpecker. It looks at me and starts to knock again. By the way it is only about a foot away from me at eye level. It stopped knocking turned its head at me leaned towards me and just stared at me for approx. a minute. Then it turned back knocked a few more times and then it flew off. S, this was NOT a dream, this was reality!!
2:8 On going to sleep I have an image of a cute hedgehog in a rocking chair.
2:14 Dream: I go into an antique jewelry shop. The woman is trying to sell me pieces that have animals in them so you could have a pet with you. I know the jewelry is too expensive but the woman is aggressive. She shows me a ring and opens it to reveal a turtle. The turtle walks across the counter. He is two inches tall and his shell is very dark and worn and he seems sinister and like he could get aggressive.
2:14 Dream: Of a horse.
3:8 Dream: A horse running around in the yard...So strange!
5:1 Just before taking the remedy on my walk noticed a lone bunny…clearly orphaned is the thought I had.
5:1 Noticed birdwatcher and his calling to a catbird.
5:1 Notice yellow jackets and honey bees and bumble bees cleaning the comb of the remaining honey that I just harvested.
5:1 Sitting outside writing my thoughts and notice a yellow jacket drying off in the sun against the side of the house.
5:1 Arrived at dinner party. Wife talked non-stop for 3 hours. I was unable to focus on myself. Most interesting part about the woman was her gold dragonfly earings!
5:1 Noticed huge paper wasp nest hanging from the rafters of the hostesses house…form of decoration.
5:1 One dinner guest told a true story of a Jewish family in Germany whose twin girls were sent to a farmer family to work/help in the farm. The Nazis were coming to the farm to search for Jews in hiding and as soon as they got close they were attacked by a massive swarm of bees from the farm that chased them away. The granddaughter of one of the twins made a quilt with the story of her grandmother’s life, including a square that describe how the twins’ lives were spared.
5:3 Feeding the bees “tailings” of sugar feed so they can “lick the spoon.” Noticed how yellow jackets are much more aggressive to other yellow jackets and honey bees than honey bees are to one another.
5:3 A friend I had lunch with yesterday called to say she discovered a massive paper wasp nest in her yellow mock orange shrub. She wants to borrow my bee suit to exterminate the hive.
5:4 Rescued cat bird standing dazed in the middle of the road. Turned around, parked, picked up the bird and placed it in sunny location to the side of the road. Bird not where I’d placed it when I returned later that day.
5:8 Spooked two deer in the woods.
5:9 Cocktails with friends. One told story of spiders and bugs in her house.
5:10 Retrieved a huge black hornet nest from friend’s yard.
Relishing of food
1:C1 Smells like fresh baked bread.
5:C1 Focusing on one little sugar granule. Hyper focused.
5:C2 I am so drawn to the plums. They are so glistening.
2:C2 This cheese is really good.
2:C2 I do not know...I am starving. I am eating more than any one and I am still hungry.
3:C2 So Hungry.
4:C2 Warm cup in my hands feels great and the tea tastes good too.
2:C2 I am also thinking about food. Every time the buzzer goes off I think of food. What kind of cheese is that? It is so good.
2:C2 Do you eat the rind? I’ll take that (cheeses).
5:C2 I will have one!! (cheese)
2:C2 There is a real focus on the taste.
2:C2 Eating really slowly. Enjoying every taste.
5:C2 Exactly.
2:C2 Do you have a garden?
4:C2 Yes, some of my garden vegetables are over there.
5:C2 Are you still getting squash? I only got squash for a month. They just died.
2:C2 It is the buzzer! Food! I am so hungry. We are ready for hard earned food.
3:C3 Buzzer goes off: Apple Pie!!
Sensitivity to Sound
5:C1 I was irritated by the sound. Just stop.
3:C1 I feel that too. Stop grinding!
3:C1 I wanted the sound of laughing to stop, but I did not want to say it until you asked what was happening for me.
2:C1 I am super, super sensitive to noise and it did not bug me.
5:C1 I was like “can you just stop?”
2:C1 D. will always be munching on the phone.
5:C1 I wonder if that is a couple’s thing. When my husband is chewing on his cereal it is like the scraping of the bowl and I feel “I have to get out of this room.” He likes to read an article while he eats his cereal. It is a syndrome being sensitive to sound.
2:C2 You are the loudest scraper!!
2:C2 Sounds usually bother me and they don’t today.
3:C2 Sensitive to high-pitched sounds.
5:C2 Noise do not bother me, well no, my husband scraping his bowl does bother me.
5:C2 Woke at 2:30am thinking. Then the guy upstairs is moving around. “Can you just leave so I can go to sleep?”
2:C2 Yeah! we call our land lord thumper. He is so loud but we get up early so it is not a problem.
4:C3 I am trying to make the scraping as noisy as possible, so when I stop you all will appreciate it.
1:C1 I feel really peaceful
1:C1 Peaceful and grounded
2:C1 Feeling much better. I feel happy and kind of peaceful.
5:C2 Sensation of everything really slowing down. No anxiety more relaxed.
1:1 I do have a sense of being very grounded, mellow and calm.
2:1 Took the 12c. I feel calm
2:2 In general I am more calm relaxed and have light around my face.
3:C1 Unnerved feeling with rapid heart beat.
5:C1 I do not know what that motion is. It is a twisting and a pulling and I resist: do not take me there. I had no control it was taking me there. Do not do that to me, do not take me there. It is a resisting. It is a rapid heartbeat and anxiety.
4:C1 Heat below my heart. Like a sense of anxiety.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles and feet.
5:C1 Spelling things wrong in the book: Red instead of Read.
2:C1 I tried to reach M. this morning to cancel because I had tough week. I was feeling very fragile and teary, but I wrote the numbers backwards, so I could not talk to her. I am glad I did not.
2:4 Dream: I have a new mechanic and I’m very concerned that he is going to charge me $325.00 rather than $300.00 for a new starter. Feeling anxiety about money. Then my old mechanic tells me he found an acupuncturist who is covered by insurance and although he still comes to me for acupuncture I feel anxiety about money that I could lose him as a patient.
2:12 Dream: I run into a friend in a food coop. She complains about the construction at her condominium. She is building it out. I wonder why she is complaining to me when she has so much more than I do.
5:10 Irritable and impatient with husband and friend.
1:C1 Tightness.
3:C1 Unnerved feeling with rapid heart beat.
3:C1 I feel very buzzy...
3:C2 Needing to take deep breaths to calm the muscles.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles, feet.
5:C1 ...An intense tingling...especially on the left side and two fingers of the right hand.
1:2 An effect I do like is that all tension in my body has let go. I am usually very tight in my muscles, feels like I’ve received multiple massages.
1:3 My body still feels GREAT.
1:5 My body is still doing really well am grounded body feels great with very little to no tension in muscles
1:9 Okay the effect of the remedy on my body is wearing off can feel tension in muscles returning.
2:5 Suddenly deeply tired. Can hardly sit up at the table.
3:14 Very tired today.
3:14 Bodily sensations of heat and cold in general.
3:C1 Rolling head in a circle.
3:C1 I have a sense of someone standing behind me pushing at the base of my neck. I am resisting it. It is very heavy and forceful.
1:C1 Rolling head in a circle.
3:C1 My scalp is so itchy. Scraping the substance makes me feel I am doing it to my head.
3:C1 The is a hum in my head “hmmmmmmmm” a high sound centered right at the top of my head.
5:C1 Want to bend my head back.
5:C1 Tingling at the top of the head.
5:C1 The tingling shifts to the neck and back of the head.
5:C1 Hot in the head.
5:C2 Head getting hotter.
5:C2 Heaviness behind the head.
5:C3 Head swirling around. Like Parkinson’s. Really loose
5:2 Base of neck, vertebral ache as I arch head back.
5:5 Itchy head on waking.
5:1 Head falling to the right as I was glancing/staring at the morning glories.
5:1 Head lolling with a slow falling to the right, then to the left, and then backwards.
5:1 Head slowly falling back with mouth open agape and stuck in that pose.
Head Pain:
3:C1 Pressure on temples.
2:5 Bilateral aching pain behind eyes.
Trying to remember my dreams but got a headache instead.
3:14 Intense headache with onset of period all day and feeling grumpy on and off.
5:1 Shooting pain in left temple, better pressure.
3:C1 Feel dizzy with rapid heart beat.
3:C1 Eyes burning.
2:C2 Eyes are burning.
5:C1 Tingling around the eyes.
5:1 Staring.
5:1 Cross-eyed gazing.
5:1 Caught in the gaze of the setting sun.
5:3 Mild photophobia to ocean/sun reflections.
5:C1 I had a bad tinnitus last night. Worse on the left.
2:3 Starting to get a cold. Nose dripping clear fluid. Right nostril blocked. Sniffling. Sneezing.
2:5 Left nostril dripping—watery, clear mucus.
2:5 Right nostril alternates from blocked to unblocked. Drpping watery clear discharge.
2:6 Sniffles all day.
2:6 Left nostril dripping watery clear mucus without warning and I am not aware it is dripping.
3:14 Runny nose.
3:C1 Grimacing. Frowning.
1:C2 Itching and a numbness to the face.
5:2 After driving home from tennis, noticed that my cheeks felt like “puckering up.”
3:C1 Heart rate increased feeling it in chest and throat, up and down between the two areas.
3:C1 Heart rate intermittent—fast, normal, fast, normal while my throat feels thick, narrow, like a lump in the throat.
5:C1 Burning throat.
External Throat:
1:C1 Stretching neck.
3:C1 Scratching throat/neck. Neck looks very red.
5:C1 It is in the neck something around the neck.
2:C1 Feeling nauseous
2:C1 Burping to release physical tension in the body.
3:C2 Thirsty
5:C1 More thirsty than normal.
5:C2 I can feel the heat of the tea go right down to my stomach.
4:C3 My hands are nice and warm now and they are not falling asleep as before, so that is good.
5:C3 Extreme desire for salt.
3:14 Appetite increased.
3:14 Thirsty.
3:14 Desires: salt.
4:5 Appetite increased since the proving started.
4:13 Acid reflux after eating Chinese food.
5:1 Food does not satiate.
5:2 Desire for salt.
5:6 Spicy food aggravates.
5:6 Desire for sweets.
5:8 Desire for salt.
3:C1 Lots of energy coursing through chest, upper abdominals
3:C2 I am getting a very sharp abdominal pain. It is below the solar plexus, especially when breathing in.
4:C1 Elevated heart beat...I can feel my heart beat in the abdomen.
2:C1 Heat felt in the center of the sternum.
3:C1 Heart skipping around as if outside my chest. Beating fast.
3:C1 Heart rate increased feeling it in chest and throat, up and down between the two areas.
3:C1 Heart rate interminttent—fast, normal, fast, normal while my throat feels thick, narrow, like a lump in the throat.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles, feet.
5:C2 Aching pain in the pubic bone. Better pressure.
3:C3 Tightness in the chest.
4:C1 Elevated heart beat...I can feel my heart beat in the abdomen.
5:C1 I feel a lactation let down.
5:C1 My heart rate increased in my chest.
5:C2 Heart rate increased again.
Onset of period: headache and grumpiness.
2:C1 Needing to take a deep breath.
3:C1 My breathing got faster to the point of hyperventilating when talking about snakes. and then stopped.
3:C2 Needing to take deep breaths to calm the muscles.
3:C2 I am getting a very sharp abdominal pain. It is below the solar plexus, especially when breathing in.
5:C2 Aching pain in the pubic bone. Better pressure.
2:14 Dry cough from a tickle.
1:C1 Stretching neck.
2:C1 Very aware of my spine and as I say “consciousness of spine” my spine feels very hot.
3:C1 I have a sense of someone standing behind me pushing at the base of my neck. I am resisting it. It is very heavy and forceful.
5:C1 The tingling shifts from top of head to the neck (cervical region) and back of the head.
5:C1 It is in the neck something around the neck.
5:C2 Sensation on my back. This remedy is making this band on my back hot and burning. I have had suppressed poison Ivy there. It is formication and burning. It was a major suppression of poison Ivy. I cannot stand the itch.
3:14 Has had a very small cyst for a long time on my back, after the proving it started to become tender and it has grown, much bigger. It is sore and pink. Maybe it is time to have it removed.
3:14 Tension in neck and upper back. Tenderness Cervical region.
4:8 My back seems to be doing pretty good in general – not perfect, but much better than before the proving started.
5:2 Woke with a sore neck…at the base.
5:2 Base of neck, vertebral ache as I arch head back. Pain and soreness throughout the day at base of neck.
5:3 Woke with a very stiff neck (base of neck)
5:3 Aching of left cervical area.
5:11 Woke with soreness at the base of the neck and aching of cervical vertebrae when arching the head back. Worse right. Better massage.
5:12 Pain neck worse least motion.
5:13 Woke up with very sore neck.
1:C1 More aware of my arms and hands.
2:C1 Heaviness and tingling in legs
2:C1 Feet really, really hot.
2:C2 Feet very restless
2:C2 Feet feel prominent; very aware of them. They get hot and then cold.
3:C1 Tingly feeling in hands and arms.
3:C1 Scratching feet against each other.
3:C1 My feet usually very quiet but I cannot stop moving them.
They are very cold. Got up to get socks and I feel my feet are not touching the floor.
3:C1 I am good, very buzzy, effervescent feeling at the surface of my hands.
4:C1 Hands and Feet very cold.
5:C1 Achy shoulder. Better pressure (old injury)
3:C2 Feet moving back and forth.
3:C2 Right knee bothering me, it is stuck, I want to crack it.
3:C2 Feet very restless.
3:C2 Feet moving constantly with tight, rigid feeling in them.
3:C2 Nervous, edgy, through chest, ankles, feet.
4:C2 Numbness in fingers and thumb of left hand.
4:C2 Numbness of the whole left hand, except for little finger.
4:C2 Feet hot then cold and very restless.
3:C2 My feet have calmed down.
5:C2 My feet calmed down too.
1:T Evening: Had a cramp on the left calf. It was so intense that left the leg feeling deeply bruised.
2:1 Big crack in left shoulder when put computer down.
2:1 A lot of energy in my feet.
2:2 My feet get very, very icy suddenly.
4:14 Legs and feet have been more relaxed during the proving.
5:14 Woke with tingling left thumb and index and middle fingers.
Extremities Pain:
5:C1 During the surge of tingling the neuroma on my left foot got worse.
5:C2 My right elbow hurts.
1:T Evening: Had a cramp on the left calf. It was so intense that left the leg feeling deeply bruised.
2:8 Extreme sharp aching pain in left small toe, better by flicking it.
2:6 Deep aching pain in right lower leg; almost numb.
3:13 Joints - for the first time in many weeks, my joints are sore - my left elbow and hip in particular (hx of bursitis) - feeling a little panicky about it - fear of the bursitis coming back.
5:1 Left lower forearm, just below my elbow, had a fleeting bursitis-like pain…an aching and not intense. Better pressing on it.
5:1 Sudden stabbing pain in middle joint of first digit of left hand. It was brief.
5:1 Return of left elbow/forearm aching…intermittent, darting pain. Better pressing and rubbing.
5:1 Itching left forearm with vesicular eruption.
5:2 Awakened by sharp stabbing mid-calf pain (left)
5:7 Right elbow pain on waking.
5:9 Darting pain at base of left first finger…palm side.
5:9 Darting pain inner right wrist.
5:10 Woke with pain in back of hand at the base of left thumb.
5:13 Woke up with tingling in left thumb, index and middle finger.
3:C2 I feel very sleepy.
4:10 Awake from 1-4
4:12 Awake from 12 to 2 am in a state of over-stimulation. Lots of stuff swirling around in my head, yet I woke up refreshed.
5:2 Insomnia 12:30-2:30 am.
5:4 Insomnia 1:30-3:00 am.
5:13 Insomnia 1:00-3:00 am.
1:C1 Electric tingle on the surface of the skin, itching, and sensation of complete static (electrostatic) on the outside of the skin.
3:C1 Itchiness all over body. Starts in head, scalp, eyebrows and knees.
3:C1 Itchiness increasing, I need to scratch all over. Scratching feet against one another.
5:C2 Sensation on my back. This remedy is making this band on my back hot and burning. I have had suppressed poison Ivy there. It is formication and burning. It was a major suppression of poison Ivy. I cannot stand the itch.
4:9 I had a pretty intense itch on the inside of my right leg about 6 to 8 inches above my ankle. I had to scratch it; the skin looked very dry.
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