Brassavola aculis: Rat tail orchid
Master Prover: Sally Williams

Natural History:
Common Name: Known is Panama as the Rat tail Orchid; The Stemless Brassavola.
Habitat: Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico. Brassavola acaulis is native to moist forested foothills where it grows on tree branches. Its center of distribution is located in Costa Rica.
Plant Description: The fleshy terete leaves of Brassavola acaulis are pendent (hang from the rhizome) and up to 0.75 inches (2 cm) wide. The leaves grow between 16 and 32 inches (40-80 cm) long. The rhizome creeps along the substrate. This species produces flower stems from the rhizome rather than from the top of the pseudobulb. It alternates producing new leaf growths with flower stems. Foliage is dark green in color. Flower Size: 2 3/4 inches to 3 1/4 inches (7-8 cm).
Flower Description: One flower is produced on an inflorescence that grows from the rhizome. The petals and sepals of Brassavola acaulis are greenish-white and the lip is white in color. Flowers are waxy. Fragrant at night. Bloom Season, May-July.
Common Name: Known is Panama as the Rat tail Orchid; The Stemless Brassavola.
Habitat: Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico. Brassavola acaulis is native to moist forested foothills where it grows on tree branches. Its center of distribution is located in Costa Rica.
Plant Description: The fleshy terete leaves of Brassavola acaulis are pendent (hang from the rhizome) and up to 0.75 inches (2 cm) wide. The leaves grow between 16 and 32 inches (40-80 cm) long. The rhizome creeps along the substrate. This species produces flower stems from the rhizome rather than from the top of the pseudobulb. It alternates producing new leaf growths with flower stems. Foliage is dark green in color. Flower Size: 2 3/4 inches to 3 1/4 inches (7-8 cm).
Flower Description: One flower is produced on an inflorescence that grows from the rhizome. The petals and sepals of Brassavola acaulis are greenish-white and the lip is white in color. Flowers are waxy. Fragrant at night. Bloom Season, May-July.

I was very excited to do a proving of this orchid. I hoped to see symptoms and characteristics of the Yersinia miasm develop because of the common name of “rat tail orchid”. I was not disappointed. Themes of sabotage, subversion and thyroid conditions were very prominent.
The idea of rat came out very strongly in this proving and the relationship to the Yersinia or Plague miasm and stage 9. It is the idea of undermining or sabotaging those in power or those in stage 10. It is the deception of putting people up on a pedestal only to bring them down, trying to puncture people in authority (Bungaris).
In Brassavola acaulis the provers discussed the idea of invasive species. One prover recounted her experience of living in Nicaragua and the devastation of being invaded and the loss of identity and respect. The deception is “we can so something good for you”, but the intention is to take over. The proving group also discussed the role of the Corp of Engineers in controlling invasive species of plants and the building of dams and flood control. Again it is the deception of “knowing what is good for you”. The discussion ended with an explanation of Edward Abby and the “The Monkey Wrench Gang” and their efforts to sabotage the Corp of Engineer’s building of the Glen Canyon Dam in Utah. It is the idea of sabotaging authority, which is also very prominent in the remedy Rattus, the Yersinia miasm and stage 9.
Another important theme was the idea that everyone needs to be equal. The provers had discussions of Thyroid disease which is also connected to Yersinia and stage 9. The thyroid is about egalitarianism, the dysfunction of Thyroid comes about when people don’t feel equal. The feeling in prover number 4 was being “stupid or less than”.
This was a trituration proving done in Boquete Panama. There were 4 provers ages 45 to 62, 2 males and 2 females.
Invasive species
1:C3 Do you know if Patagonia is mostly government owned?
2:C3 It is privately owned too. Yeah we had to get permission from some of them to get access to the land.
4:C3 Were they Europeans?
2:C3 No mostly Argentinean.
4:C3 There was a time when the government wanted to populate the land. So they opened it up for people to come and just claim the land. But because the locals did not have transportation the locals could not take advantage. But it is good that the locals own land in Patagonia. But there are a lot of Europeans in Argentina.
4:C3 Yeah and it is all the beautiful land that's owned by the Europeans. So we are talking about you just have to put up the money, and then it leaves the locals with such limited resources. Then there is the idea of invasive species at the human level. They do not let you be in peace. Nothing wrong with sharing, but they take over. Knowledge can come from both sides. It happens to the plants and animals too. It is an interesting phenomenon. It is what we have to accept. The stronger species takes over.
2:C3 Well there is a difference between strong and invasive.
4:C3 In the case of the human it is the case that they are more adaptable? Because as an invaded species you feel less. I said to myself; I take responsibility for my feelings, but I feel less. That is what I was saying to myself as a child. They have more power and it sucks because you feel stupid or useless. But you do not expect to be invaded. So it is a big emotional thing for me and I go out into the world and say I can do it. So the healing part is to know how we are affected. How are we in this state, the invader and the invaded?
4:C3 There is the invasive species and I have been invaded. I guess I have been too much in the plant world. I was thinking about the orchid yesterday. Do we want a beautiful death? I have a fear of a horrible death at the hands of the system. Now just want them to leave me alone.
4:C3 I do my own life and I do not think that I am a foreigner. It has helped me connect with people, but I am aware that I am from Nicaragua. That is an emotional thing. You are poor only because there was an invasion. That act, that decision, it changes your life and destiny (weeping).
You don’t know if you can get an education or not, as a human being it limits you. Everything that you experience it is something you have to go through. Our human mistake, it has such an effect. You make a mistake and you are not aware and we look at it over and over. That is why homeopathy is so amazing, it brings back balance. The fall from grace has a religious connotation, but it is separation from the source and we fall hard and it takes time to understand how our mistakes have affected everything.
4:C3 It has to do with the human word and respect. If I come and I want to be in this space that is yours then I have to respect that it is yours. How can I benefit you to be in your space; that is the respect. But instead they are ripping the place apart and saying you are my slave. I always felt they came into Latin America and took it by force. Why do we celebrate Christopher Columbus, the invading species?
3:C3 The slavery with the Africans too, the human trade that exists even now.
4:C3 As we remain in a fallen state we do not see it, we just need to get through this some way or another and keep learning.
3:C3 We need to lift out from it as a whole. How do you change the whole dynamic? In the US it is shifting…. them vs. us; me and them. Especially with the political atmosphere in the US and in Europe, but how do you get it shifted?
4:C3 The way I look at it is that it is the individual. The more that we become aware the more the shift. People are attached to it as a big thing. It is difficult to convince the whole. Each one comes to awareness and eventually changes it all. The hundredth monkey.
3:C3 Yep, the more that comes into balance.
4:C3 The Pharmaceutical thing is strong, but once the people want something different they will join in.
1:C3 It goes to show that people are so out of balance that bad things happen.
4:C3 We need to be centered and in our own strength. Once you get off and there is fear and stress and you lose you footing. You lose grasp of reality and you are not able to deal with it and you get even further away from what you could do to change it.
2:C3 Not getting outside and having an objective view.
4:C3 Or, a life wasted.
2:C3 But it isn’t only imbalance in humans. We affect nature as well. Plants are invasive because of an imbalance.
3:C3 Like you were saying about A, she is uprooted. She is an invasive species and she is using plants to try to afford a balance.
2:C3 That is part of my job……. I work for the Corp of Engineers. With the invasive species in the surrounding area we need to scrutinize, will it support? Is it the same type of plant life? Projects that impact wetlands need to have mitigation to replace the wetlands lost to construction of the project. Building mitigation projects requires some level of construction and ground disturbance. This leaves the land in a vulnerable state until the planted vegetation is established, stable, and matured – ideal conditions for invasive plant species to get established.
3:C3 Don't you think that occurs because man creates the disturbance, so they have to have a plan to control it. Man is trying to control something that man cannot do.
2:C3 Yes we are trying to not let the invasive species be invasive.
3:C3 So you are trying to balance it by creating wet lands somewhere else, isn't that invasive as well? You are making something into a wet land and why wasn’t it a wet land before?
2:C3 You are right, but in the confines of what directs are work is that we are following guidelines to create mitigation. That is not the only kind of mitigation. There are low quality wet lands already with invasive species and you can restore it.
3:C3 But that is always the under lying issue of the corps: with dams for instance, “we know what is good for you”.
Sabotage/ Undermining
2:C1 R. broke your iPhone!
3:C1 S. broke your iPad on purpose!
2:C3 That is definitely a historical black eye, Edward Abbey and the Monkey Wrench Gang. It was the book that spurred the Eco terrorism. The Monkey Wrench Gang were 4 people that met on the Colorado river. A Vietnam vet, a Dr., his girlfriend and the guide; and each one of them had their dislike for development and the Corps of Engineers. They did not like the Glen Canyon Dam in Utah. Each had their own bender. They decide to take it upon themselves to restore things by blowing up the dam.
2:C3 It was Edward Abby’s commentary. They go into the dessert and find bull dozers; they would put gravel and sand into the gas tank and sabotage the equipment to stop development.
1:C2 Yeah ours is wild, if anyone saw us at three in the morning running around in our robes chasing the dog they would think we were crazy.
4:C1 I’m thinking of crazy. You know how people go crazy. I am like what is it that switches the mind. It shifts the mind in a way that you are kind of gone. Can homeopathy bring that back? There is something that is just off and a lot of times you lose those patients because everything makes them worse. How do people lose their mind? Is it trauma or does the fear get so big that you just slip away.
4:C1 There is not a way to have a conversation with a crazy person. It makes me fearful of the manifestation of craziness. I am like, things are going to go well. Things work well for me and when I have this pull of a crazy person’s energy I just want to say stop it. But you cannot.
3:C2 I have to loosen up on some of the details when I stay at places. It is like that clock needs a battery. I should go down to the reception and talk to them. Let's take a walk through here why don't we and show you all the things that need to be fixed!! Like at A's place’ the hot water comes on and the lights dim. That drives me crazy. I would have done it right the first time. Then the stairs going to the bath room the steps are off. It throws you off because they are different heights.
4:C1 It is easy with the Divya method to come to the substance even if it is not proven. So you get very surprised when people come and their symptoms are gone. I had a woman that was on the verge of a thyroid storm and it can be dangerous and so I gave her egg and it did her very well. Doing the method is helping me a lot.
3:C2 When we were on the zip line the mother of this family had a thyroidal issue. She had these huge eyes. S. said it was her thyroid. I was wondering what you guys want to say to people like that. Do you want to go up and say you have this going on and you should try homeopathy?
1:C2 Yeah there is a fear factor in trying homeopathy. I drop the bug and hope that they try it.
4:C2 Like there is a sacrosanctity in medicine. And when you are healthy you think they can help you, but they can't. They are not affective with thyroid. They give you a replacement.
Homeopathy VS Allopathy
3:C2 When we were on the zip line the mother of this family had a thyroidal issue. She had these huge eyes. S. said it was her thyroid. I was wondering what you guys want to say to people like that. Do you want to go up and say you have this going on and you should try homeopathy?
1:C2 Yeah there is a fear factor in trying homeopathy. I drop the bug and hope that they try it.
4:C2 Like there is sacrosanctity in medicine. And when you are healthy you think they can help you, but they can't. They are not affective with thyroid. They give you a replacement.
1:C2 But people do not see that. I think the average person thinks that they are trained at the best schools; they know what is best.
3:C2 It is about abdicating responsibility and control, but we have allowed them to take it away from us.
4:C2 It is a power thing. I think the systems can live side by side.
1:C2 I work for an orthopedic and I can handle it. Because it is about broken bones I could not work for internal medicine.
4:C2 The worse is with the children. They interfere with their growing with drugs. They are on antidepressants. And for the elderly their livers cannot deal with the meds. So there is a lot of iatrogenic disease and it is sad.
1:C2 Then the ones with dementia can’t accurately answer questions asked by their medical doctors, then end up with a new prescription medication based on information that they didn’t answer correctly in the first place. I think it leaves a lot of room for error in prescribed meds that are unnecessary.
3:C2 I think it the drug companies they have the Dr. the pills. The lawyers study more than the Dr. does. The seminars the Dr. go to are all drug companies selling new drugs.
3:C2 A couple of years ago they kicked all the Pharmaceutical companies out of Harvard.
1:C2 They cannot give pens and stuff to advertise but they can give drugs.
4:C2 The Dr. now have to report any threats they get from the Pharmaceutical companies.
1:C2 Why can't we work together? Why can't they say you know we cannot do this call a homeopath.
3:C2 I guess we are all in agreement with that subject!!
Animals/Animal references/Pets
2:C1 Finer then frog hair, how are you R.?
3:C1 Just ducky, thank you.
1:C1 17 we tried to call my son on his birthday, but we could not get service I was in tears thinking I would not be able to talk to him on his birthday. But we finally got through. I asked him if he missed me but he said no! But it will be different when I get home he will be all over me.
3:1 So will Guinness (a dog).
1:C1 Dogs are like that.
3:C1 Do you have pets M?
4:C1 I have a grand cat. It is my daughters.
4:C1 Who is taking care of Guinness?
3:C1 We have someone that is a friend of our sons that house sits and take care of him.
4:C1 That is good that they can stay in their own space.
1:C1 There were rabbits at the place yesterday and it reminded me of the rabbit we use to have. He would snuggle and he would ride in the bike basket.
4:C1 What do you feed them? Do you have to vaccinate?
1:C1 We didn't we only gave our dog the rabies vaccine.
3:C1 Yeah you don't want an old yeller thing.
3:C1 Anyone proven those little critters like ferrets?
3:C1 Has anyone proven hedgehog?
1:C1 Why did you prove chipmunk?
4:C1 Well, the patient was very busy and like a chipmunk and we did not have the remedy and so I needed to prove it.
3:C2 Oh man and then the dog outside was barking and barking. How can people live that way? Why don't they kick it or something?
4:C2 Kick it or something! Hahaha!
3:C2 Well it needs something, maybe food.
2:C2 We have not a leg to stand on to complain about other people’s dogs.
1:C2 Yeah ours is wild, if anyone saw us at three in the morning running around in our robes chasing the dog they would think we were crazy.
4:C2 They would just say they are dog owners!
2:C2 I thinking that we will take the dead woodpecker and put him outside.
4:C2 Yes it is nice to do that to honor the woodpecker.
2:C2 We saw a lot of wild llama in Argentina.
2:C3 They’re all very pleasant and welcoming people in Argentina. You could not cross a big farm without them asking you to have grilled lamb or a mate. One afternoon I was out in the middle of nowhere in the high plains, a driver would drop you off and we had GPS and you would loop around for the day. It is always windy all the time. I was bending over writing notes and all of a sudden I hear a Gaucho and he has been probably riding the land forever and the first thing out of his mouth was where is your horse? And his next question is do you want a horse?
4:C3 Horses was a way of life there! When I was there it was funny to see wild horses and cows running and living together.
Doing things right the first time/Functionality/Perfection
3:C1 I had a night when I was playing in North Tonawanda and I was coming home at 3 in the morning and S calls me saying that J. called and said you left your bass and I am like oh man I have to go back to get it.
4:C1 I hate when that happens to me it is like it is old age, why do you do that?
3:C2 I have to loosen up on some of the details when I stay at places. It is like that clock needs a battery. I should go down to the reception and talk to them. Let's take a walk through here why don't we and show you all the things that need to be fixed!! Like at A's place’ the hot water comes on and the lights dim. That makes me crazy. I would have done it right the first time. Then the stairs going to the bath room the steps are off. It throws you off because they are different heights.
1:C2 Yeah it is like if the steps are even you do not even have to look.
3:C2 Yeah it throws your body off.
4:C2 Then the water in the sink was running all over the place.
1:C2 I hate coming home to disasters. Like the time the dishwasher flooded. You want things done perfect.
3:C2 Not perfect, we are just talking functionality.
1:C2 When things function you can call them perfect.
2:C2 Especially in different countries what is necessary and what is not is different. When we were in Venezuela we were supposed to have a house with a kitchen and to box lunches when we are out in the field. So the house had a place for appliances, but no appliances. So the cooks were bringing us lunches for a while. So then a guy we were dealing with brought us a refrigerator and we are like, we need a stove and he said ah yes tomorrow I will bring you a stove, but it was just a stove. Nothing to hook it up with and then we said we need fuel and then he ok tomorrow I will bring you the fuel. It should have all been done before we got there.
3:C2 I am admiring my repair work on this table. I can't even see it.
4:C2 What is this any way? (Pointing to the table)
3:C2 Granite.
1:C2 I am surprised they put something this nice in.
3:C2 Yeah they had a bit of trouble with the end there, it’s a mess. Ah, us Americans so critical.
4:C1 The sunrise was beautiful today, you never see the whole range of mountains so clear.
4:C2 It is really beautiful today.
3:C3 Do you eat plantains at home?
4:C3 Yes I do.
2:C3 I am glad you told me how to choose and cook them.
4:C3 They have to be very dark to be ripe. They are delicious to cover with olive oil and fry them or bake them. They get very sweet.
3:C3 What does maduro mean?
4:C3 It means ripe. Platano Maduro
3:C1 ”Buzzy” feeling
3:C1 Light headed “buzziness”, spacey
3:C1 Still spacey buzz
4:C1 Spacey
4:C1 Feeling a bit shakey
4:C1 I am very spacey. I do not have a lot of boundaries around the plant. I stay in that connection thing. I get drawn into the proving. I am feeling like I am in that zone. It is pleasant. I want to stay they. I feel at ease even though my stomach is hurting some. I feel comfortable. It is like a drug feeling.
3:C2 Dizziness
3:C3 Spacey dizziness
1:C1 Pain up form top of right shoulder up right side of neck into back of head
1:C1 Feeling a headache at the third eye.
1:C1 Pain at the top of my neck and at the base of my head at the right.
1:C1 Stabbing pain in and below the left temple.
2:C1 Feel like my left sinus or nasal passage is very clear and open
2:C1 Mild stuffiness in sinuses and slight puffy feeling in eyes
3:C1 Mild headache just above eyes
3:C1 Headache above eyes
4:C1 Pressure back of my head
4:C1 Pressure in whole head
1:C2 Really strong frontal vice like headache
3:C2 Slight pain on left side of head
3:C2 Pain getting stronger
3:C2 Moved to behind left ear
4:C2 Twingy feeling top of head
4:C2 I still have a live of tightness right there ( left side of neck)
1:C3 Pain in left side of neck up into back of head
1:C3 Pain at base of the skull of the left
1:C1 Eyes irritated
1:C1 I have a pain under my left eye. This is weird it is now under my eye on the left and at the third eye and then over the right eye.
2:C1 Mild stuffiness in sinuses and slight puffy feeling in eyes
3:C1 Dry itchy eyes
3:C1 Itchy eyes, hard to keep open
3:C1 Eyes still heavy
3:C1 My eyes are really itchy and it is hard. To keep them open.
1:C2 Occipital headache
1:C2 Pain through inner corner of left eye
3:C2 Pain over left eye
1:C1 Right ear sounds muted
1:C1 Nose runny
2:C1 Big sneeze!
1:C1 Pain in right cheekbone
1:C2 Pressure over bridge of nose extending to both cheekbones
1:C1 Dripping in the back of the throat.
3:C1 Throat drip
4:C1 Throat tight, left
4:C2 Tightness in left throat
4:C1 Tightness in the throat on the left side
3:C1 Mildly anxious feeling in the stomach
3:C1 Stomach butterflies
1:C1 Pain in right scapula
1:C1 Pain in the webbing between the thumb and 1st finger, like I want to put pressure on it
2:C1 Slight soreness in right shoulder, possibly from breaking during tree trek yesterday, though I didn’t notice it until we started the proving
2:C1 Right shoulder is sore again from collarbone out to shoulder joint, lower bicep to elbow is now sore too, not super painful but clearly sore.
3:C2 Sleepy
4:C2 Sleepy
4:C2 Gosh; I am so sleepy!
I was very excited to do a proving of this orchid. I hoped to see symptoms and characteristics of the Yersinia miasm develop because of the common name of “rat tail orchid”. I was not disappointed. Themes of sabotage, subversion and thyroid conditions were very prominent.
The idea of rat came out very strongly in this proving and the relationship to the Yersinia or Plague miasm and stage 9. It is the idea of undermining or sabotaging those in power or those in stage 10. It is the deception of putting people up on a pedestal only to bring them down, trying to puncture people in authority (Bungaris).
In Brassavola acaulis the provers discussed the idea of invasive species. One prover recounted her experience of living in Nicaragua and the devastation of being invaded and the loss of identity and respect. The deception is “we can so something good for you”, but the intention is to take over. The proving group also discussed the role of the Corp of Engineers in controlling invasive species of plants and the building of dams and flood control. Again it is the deception of “knowing what is good for you”. The discussion ended with an explanation of Edward Abby and the “The Monkey Wrench Gang” and their efforts to sabotage the Corp of Engineer’s building of the Glen Canyon Dam in Utah. It is the idea of sabotaging authority, which is also very prominent in the remedy Rattus, the Yersinia miasm and stage 9.
Another important theme was the idea that everyone needs to be equal. The provers had discussions of Thyroid disease which is also connected to Yersinia and stage 9. The thyroid is about egalitarianism, the dysfunction of Thyroid comes about when people don’t feel equal. The feeling in prover number 4 was being “stupid or less than”.
This was a trituration proving done in Boquete Panama. There were 4 provers ages 45 to 62, 2 males and 2 females.
Invasive species
1:C3 Do you know if Patagonia is mostly government owned?
2:C3 It is privately owned too. Yeah we had to get permission from some of them to get access to the land.
4:C3 Were they Europeans?
2:C3 No mostly Argentinean.
4:C3 There was a time when the government wanted to populate the land. So they opened it up for people to come and just claim the land. But because the locals did not have transportation the locals could not take advantage. But it is good that the locals own land in Patagonia. But there are a lot of Europeans in Argentina.
4:C3 Yeah and it is all the beautiful land that's owned by the Europeans. So we are talking about you just have to put up the money, and then it leaves the locals with such limited resources. Then there is the idea of invasive species at the human level. They do not let you be in peace. Nothing wrong with sharing, but they take over. Knowledge can come from both sides. It happens to the plants and animals too. It is an interesting phenomenon. It is what we have to accept. The stronger species takes over.
2:C3 Well there is a difference between strong and invasive.
4:C3 In the case of the human it is the case that they are more adaptable? Because as an invaded species you feel less. I said to myself; I take responsibility for my feelings, but I feel less. That is what I was saying to myself as a child. They have more power and it sucks because you feel stupid or useless. But you do not expect to be invaded. So it is a big emotional thing for me and I go out into the world and say I can do it. So the healing part is to know how we are affected. How are we in this state, the invader and the invaded?
4:C3 There is the invasive species and I have been invaded. I guess I have been too much in the plant world. I was thinking about the orchid yesterday. Do we want a beautiful death? I have a fear of a horrible death at the hands of the system. Now just want them to leave me alone.
4:C3 I do my own life and I do not think that I am a foreigner. It has helped me connect with people, but I am aware that I am from Nicaragua. That is an emotional thing. You are poor only because there was an invasion. That act, that decision, it changes your life and destiny (weeping).
You don’t know if you can get an education or not, as a human being it limits you. Everything that you experience it is something you have to go through. Our human mistake, it has such an effect. You make a mistake and you are not aware and we look at it over and over. That is why homeopathy is so amazing, it brings back balance. The fall from grace has a religious connotation, but it is separation from the source and we fall hard and it takes time to understand how our mistakes have affected everything.
4:C3 It has to do with the human word and respect. If I come and I want to be in this space that is yours then I have to respect that it is yours. How can I benefit you to be in your space; that is the respect. But instead they are ripping the place apart and saying you are my slave. I always felt they came into Latin America and took it by force. Why do we celebrate Christopher Columbus, the invading species?
3:C3 The slavery with the Africans too, the human trade that exists even now.
4:C3 As we remain in a fallen state we do not see it, we just need to get through this some way or another and keep learning.
3:C3 We need to lift out from it as a whole. How do you change the whole dynamic? In the US it is shifting…. them vs. us; me and them. Especially with the political atmosphere in the US and in Europe, but how do you get it shifted?
4:C3 The way I look at it is that it is the individual. The more that we become aware the more the shift. People are attached to it as a big thing. It is difficult to convince the whole. Each one comes to awareness and eventually changes it all. The hundredth monkey.
3:C3 Yep, the more that comes into balance.
4:C3 The Pharmaceutical thing is strong, but once the people want something different they will join in.
1:C3 It goes to show that people are so out of balance that bad things happen.
4:C3 We need to be centered and in our own strength. Once you get off and there is fear and stress and you lose you footing. You lose grasp of reality and you are not able to deal with it and you get even further away from what you could do to change it.
2:C3 Not getting outside and having an objective view.
4:C3 Or, a life wasted.
2:C3 But it isn’t only imbalance in humans. We affect nature as well. Plants are invasive because of an imbalance.
3:C3 Like you were saying about A, she is uprooted. She is an invasive species and she is using plants to try to afford a balance.
2:C3 That is part of my job……. I work for the Corp of Engineers. With the invasive species in the surrounding area we need to scrutinize, will it support? Is it the same type of plant life? Projects that impact wetlands need to have mitigation to replace the wetlands lost to construction of the project. Building mitigation projects requires some level of construction and ground disturbance. This leaves the land in a vulnerable state until the planted vegetation is established, stable, and matured – ideal conditions for invasive plant species to get established.
3:C3 Don't you think that occurs because man creates the disturbance, so they have to have a plan to control it. Man is trying to control something that man cannot do.
2:C3 Yes we are trying to not let the invasive species be invasive.
3:C3 So you are trying to balance it by creating wet lands somewhere else, isn't that invasive as well? You are making something into a wet land and why wasn’t it a wet land before?
2:C3 You are right, but in the confines of what directs are work is that we are following guidelines to create mitigation. That is not the only kind of mitigation. There are low quality wet lands already with invasive species and you can restore it.
3:C3 But that is always the under lying issue of the corps: with dams for instance, “we know what is good for you”.
Sabotage/ Undermining
2:C1 R. broke your iPhone!
3:C1 S. broke your iPad on purpose!
2:C3 That is definitely a historical black eye, Edward Abbey and the Monkey Wrench Gang. It was the book that spurred the Eco terrorism. The Monkey Wrench Gang were 4 people that met on the Colorado river. A Vietnam vet, a Dr., his girlfriend and the guide; and each one of them had their dislike for development and the Corps of Engineers. They did not like the Glen Canyon Dam in Utah. Each had their own bender. They decide to take it upon themselves to restore things by blowing up the dam.
2:C3 It was Edward Abby’s commentary. They go into the dessert and find bull dozers; they would put gravel and sand into the gas tank and sabotage the equipment to stop development.
1:C2 Yeah ours is wild, if anyone saw us at three in the morning running around in our robes chasing the dog they would think we were crazy.
4:C1 I’m thinking of crazy. You know how people go crazy. I am like what is it that switches the mind. It shifts the mind in a way that you are kind of gone. Can homeopathy bring that back? There is something that is just off and a lot of times you lose those patients because everything makes them worse. How do people lose their mind? Is it trauma or does the fear get so big that you just slip away.
4:C1 There is not a way to have a conversation with a crazy person. It makes me fearful of the manifestation of craziness. I am like, things are going to go well. Things work well for me and when I have this pull of a crazy person’s energy I just want to say stop it. But you cannot.
3:C2 I have to loosen up on some of the details when I stay at places. It is like that clock needs a battery. I should go down to the reception and talk to them. Let's take a walk through here why don't we and show you all the things that need to be fixed!! Like at A's place’ the hot water comes on and the lights dim. That drives me crazy. I would have done it right the first time. Then the stairs going to the bath room the steps are off. It throws you off because they are different heights.
4:C1 It is easy with the Divya method to come to the substance even if it is not proven. So you get very surprised when people come and their symptoms are gone. I had a woman that was on the verge of a thyroid storm and it can be dangerous and so I gave her egg and it did her very well. Doing the method is helping me a lot.
3:C2 When we were on the zip line the mother of this family had a thyroidal issue. She had these huge eyes. S. said it was her thyroid. I was wondering what you guys want to say to people like that. Do you want to go up and say you have this going on and you should try homeopathy?
1:C2 Yeah there is a fear factor in trying homeopathy. I drop the bug and hope that they try it.
4:C2 Like there is a sacrosanctity in medicine. And when you are healthy you think they can help you, but they can't. They are not affective with thyroid. They give you a replacement.
Homeopathy VS Allopathy
3:C2 When we were on the zip line the mother of this family had a thyroidal issue. She had these huge eyes. S. said it was her thyroid. I was wondering what you guys want to say to people like that. Do you want to go up and say you have this going on and you should try homeopathy?
1:C2 Yeah there is a fear factor in trying homeopathy. I drop the bug and hope that they try it.
4:C2 Like there is sacrosanctity in medicine. And when you are healthy you think they can help you, but they can't. They are not affective with thyroid. They give you a replacement.
1:C2 But people do not see that. I think the average person thinks that they are trained at the best schools; they know what is best.
3:C2 It is about abdicating responsibility and control, but we have allowed them to take it away from us.
4:C2 It is a power thing. I think the systems can live side by side.
1:C2 I work for an orthopedic and I can handle it. Because it is about broken bones I could not work for internal medicine.
4:C2 The worse is with the children. They interfere with their growing with drugs. They are on antidepressants. And for the elderly their livers cannot deal with the meds. So there is a lot of iatrogenic disease and it is sad.
1:C2 Then the ones with dementia can’t accurately answer questions asked by their medical doctors, then end up with a new prescription medication based on information that they didn’t answer correctly in the first place. I think it leaves a lot of room for error in prescribed meds that are unnecessary.
3:C2 I think it the drug companies they have the Dr. the pills. The lawyers study more than the Dr. does. The seminars the Dr. go to are all drug companies selling new drugs.
3:C2 A couple of years ago they kicked all the Pharmaceutical companies out of Harvard.
1:C2 They cannot give pens and stuff to advertise but they can give drugs.
4:C2 The Dr. now have to report any threats they get from the Pharmaceutical companies.
1:C2 Why can't we work together? Why can't they say you know we cannot do this call a homeopath.
3:C2 I guess we are all in agreement with that subject!!
Animals/Animal references/Pets
2:C1 Finer then frog hair, how are you R.?
3:C1 Just ducky, thank you.
1:C1 17 we tried to call my son on his birthday, but we could not get service I was in tears thinking I would not be able to talk to him on his birthday. But we finally got through. I asked him if he missed me but he said no! But it will be different when I get home he will be all over me.
3:1 So will Guinness (a dog).
1:C1 Dogs are like that.
3:C1 Do you have pets M?
4:C1 I have a grand cat. It is my daughters.
4:C1 Who is taking care of Guinness?
3:C1 We have someone that is a friend of our sons that house sits and take care of him.
4:C1 That is good that they can stay in their own space.
1:C1 There were rabbits at the place yesterday and it reminded me of the rabbit we use to have. He would snuggle and he would ride in the bike basket.
4:C1 What do you feed them? Do you have to vaccinate?
1:C1 We didn't we only gave our dog the rabies vaccine.
3:C1 Yeah you don't want an old yeller thing.
3:C1 Anyone proven those little critters like ferrets?
3:C1 Has anyone proven hedgehog?
1:C1 Why did you prove chipmunk?
4:C1 Well, the patient was very busy and like a chipmunk and we did not have the remedy and so I needed to prove it.
3:C2 Oh man and then the dog outside was barking and barking. How can people live that way? Why don't they kick it or something?
4:C2 Kick it or something! Hahaha!
3:C2 Well it needs something, maybe food.
2:C2 We have not a leg to stand on to complain about other people’s dogs.
1:C2 Yeah ours is wild, if anyone saw us at three in the morning running around in our robes chasing the dog they would think we were crazy.
4:C2 They would just say they are dog owners!
2:C2 I thinking that we will take the dead woodpecker and put him outside.
4:C2 Yes it is nice to do that to honor the woodpecker.
2:C2 We saw a lot of wild llama in Argentina.
2:C3 They’re all very pleasant and welcoming people in Argentina. You could not cross a big farm without them asking you to have grilled lamb or a mate. One afternoon I was out in the middle of nowhere in the high plains, a driver would drop you off and we had GPS and you would loop around for the day. It is always windy all the time. I was bending over writing notes and all of a sudden I hear a Gaucho and he has been probably riding the land forever and the first thing out of his mouth was where is your horse? And his next question is do you want a horse?
4:C3 Horses was a way of life there! When I was there it was funny to see wild horses and cows running and living together.
Doing things right the first time/Functionality/Perfection
3:C1 I had a night when I was playing in North Tonawanda and I was coming home at 3 in the morning and S calls me saying that J. called and said you left your bass and I am like oh man I have to go back to get it.
4:C1 I hate when that happens to me it is like it is old age, why do you do that?
3:C2 I have to loosen up on some of the details when I stay at places. It is like that clock needs a battery. I should go down to the reception and talk to them. Let's take a walk through here why don't we and show you all the things that need to be fixed!! Like at A's place’ the hot water comes on and the lights dim. That makes me crazy. I would have done it right the first time. Then the stairs going to the bath room the steps are off. It throws you off because they are different heights.
1:C2 Yeah it is like if the steps are even you do not even have to look.
3:C2 Yeah it throws your body off.
4:C2 Then the water in the sink was running all over the place.
1:C2 I hate coming home to disasters. Like the time the dishwasher flooded. You want things done perfect.
3:C2 Not perfect, we are just talking functionality.
1:C2 When things function you can call them perfect.
2:C2 Especially in different countries what is necessary and what is not is different. When we were in Venezuela we were supposed to have a house with a kitchen and to box lunches when we are out in the field. So the house had a place for appliances, but no appliances. So the cooks were bringing us lunches for a while. So then a guy we were dealing with brought us a refrigerator and we are like, we need a stove and he said ah yes tomorrow I will bring you a stove, but it was just a stove. Nothing to hook it up with and then we said we need fuel and then he ok tomorrow I will bring you the fuel. It should have all been done before we got there.
3:C2 I am admiring my repair work on this table. I can't even see it.
4:C2 What is this any way? (Pointing to the table)
3:C2 Granite.
1:C2 I am surprised they put something this nice in.
3:C2 Yeah they had a bit of trouble with the end there, it’s a mess. Ah, us Americans so critical.
4:C1 The sunrise was beautiful today, you never see the whole range of mountains so clear.
4:C2 It is really beautiful today.
3:C3 Do you eat plantains at home?
4:C3 Yes I do.
2:C3 I am glad you told me how to choose and cook them.
4:C3 They have to be very dark to be ripe. They are delicious to cover with olive oil and fry them or bake them. They get very sweet.
3:C3 What does maduro mean?
4:C3 It means ripe. Platano Maduro
3:C1 ”Buzzy” feeling
3:C1 Light headed “buzziness”, spacey
3:C1 Still spacey buzz
4:C1 Spacey
4:C1 Feeling a bit shakey
4:C1 I am very spacey. I do not have a lot of boundaries around the plant. I stay in that connection thing. I get drawn into the proving. I am feeling like I am in that zone. It is pleasant. I want to stay they. I feel at ease even though my stomach is hurting some. I feel comfortable. It is like a drug feeling.
3:C2 Dizziness
3:C3 Spacey dizziness
1:C1 Pain up form top of right shoulder up right side of neck into back of head
1:C1 Feeling a headache at the third eye.
1:C1 Pain at the top of my neck and at the base of my head at the right.
1:C1 Stabbing pain in and below the left temple.
2:C1 Feel like my left sinus or nasal passage is very clear and open
2:C1 Mild stuffiness in sinuses and slight puffy feeling in eyes
3:C1 Mild headache just above eyes
3:C1 Headache above eyes
4:C1 Pressure back of my head
4:C1 Pressure in whole head
1:C2 Really strong frontal vice like headache
3:C2 Slight pain on left side of head
3:C2 Pain getting stronger
3:C2 Moved to behind left ear
4:C2 Twingy feeling top of head
4:C2 I still have a live of tightness right there ( left side of neck)
1:C3 Pain in left side of neck up into back of head
1:C3 Pain at base of the skull of the left
1:C1 Eyes irritated
1:C1 I have a pain under my left eye. This is weird it is now under my eye on the left and at the third eye and then over the right eye.
2:C1 Mild stuffiness in sinuses and slight puffy feeling in eyes
3:C1 Dry itchy eyes
3:C1 Itchy eyes, hard to keep open
3:C1 Eyes still heavy
3:C1 My eyes are really itchy and it is hard. To keep them open.
1:C2 Occipital headache
1:C2 Pain through inner corner of left eye
3:C2 Pain over left eye
1:C1 Right ear sounds muted
1:C1 Nose runny
2:C1 Big sneeze!
1:C1 Pain in right cheekbone
1:C2 Pressure over bridge of nose extending to both cheekbones
1:C1 Dripping in the back of the throat.
3:C1 Throat drip
4:C1 Throat tight, left
4:C2 Tightness in left throat
4:C1 Tightness in the throat on the left side
3:C1 Mildly anxious feeling in the stomach
3:C1 Stomach butterflies
1:C1 Pain in right scapula
1:C1 Pain in the webbing between the thumb and 1st finger, like I want to put pressure on it
2:C1 Slight soreness in right shoulder, possibly from breaking during tree trek yesterday, though I didn’t notice it until we started the proving
2:C1 Right shoulder is sore again from collarbone out to shoulder joint, lower bicep to elbow is now sore too, not super painful but clearly sore.
3:C2 Sleepy
4:C2 Sleepy
4:C2 Gosh; I am so sleepy!