Trituration proving of the Silver Spotted Skipper Butterfly
Epargyreus clarus
Family Hesperiidae
September 7, 2013
Akron, Ohio US
Master Prover: Patricia Maher
5 provers, 4 female, one male. Age range: 20 -60. One African-American, one Iranian-British, 3 of European descent. The remedy is available at Helios Pharmacy.
The substance was unknown to them.
The Silver Spotted Skipper was caught by the Master Prover the day of the proving. This butterfly is one of the most common Skippers seen in North America as it has a very large range. It visits gardens, fields and the edges of wooded areas. The preferred food plant of the caterpillars are legumes, and the adults feed on nectar from a variety of plants, including Asclepias, Thistle, Lathyrus and others. This specimen was found on a Butterfly Bush. These butterflies specifically avoid yellow flowers.
Background/Context of the trituration
As is frequently the case in a proving, this proving began before the formal start. Upon one prover’s arrival, she began speaking excitedly of moths she had seen on a
recent trip to Costa Rica. As the group was gathering itself to prepare for the proving, she shared photos of many moths from her visit. In addition, another prover said he was distracted because his daughter—a student at the American University in Beirut – was incommunicado. As a precaution the US State Department in Beirut had just closed the Embassy there because the US was threatening to bomb Syria. This situation of the prover’s daughter unfolded during the course of the trituration and was central to one of the trituration themes.
As it happened, 3 of the 5 provers had a direct connection to the Middle East: the prover whose daughter was in Beirut, a prover who was of Lebanese descent, and another prover of Iranian descent. The proving occurred against the backdrop of the threat of a US attack on Syria. The final write up of this proving has occurred as Syria is once again the focus of attention and tensions between the US and Russia escalate over their respective roles in Syria.
The themes from this trituration are consistent with those of other butterfly remedies, namely the issue of children in danger and children under pressure. The emotional disconnect is very particular to this butterfly.
What is most striking is the butterfly’s name and that Silver series themes (according to the work of homeopath Jan Scholten) were so strongly expressed. There are the obvious themes of art, creativity, teaching and education, travel, languages, and sports. On a more subtle level there was also the Silver series quality of being unique, pursuing that which is esoteric or special (e.g. people who attend Waldorf schools are “perfect beings.”) Esoteric practices were discussed several times. In the physicals there was a great deal of nerve pain which is associated with the Silver series.
It is interesting that the larvae and adults feed on plants in the Fabaceae family in light of the nerve symptoms in the extremities.
It is a bit harder to grasp the meaning of this butterfly’s connection to the Middle East. It could be a further reflection of the Silver series themes of cultural diversity and immigration. One of the provers immediate family members had had a dramatic experience of exile as a refugee, for example. In addition, the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon, and the moon’s light is often described as silvery. We associate the moon with women and motherhood. Daughters – and mothers and daughters-- were a key aspect of the trituration. Although the provers also had sons, sons were not really discussed.
There may be a connection between Islam and the Silver series that is yet to be identified.
Key themes:
The Middle East: Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iran
Bah’ai and Islam
Disconnection. Detached from emotion. Feeling of separation. “up in the air” sensation/ floating around. Not living in heart/gut/body
Children in danger in a conflict zone but not worried about them
Parental worry/ lack of concern
Caring for children—child psychiatry, art therapy, Occupational Therapy, working with autistic children
Conflict between mothers and daughters, a “war zone”
School, studying art, high school, Waldorf education, creative thinking
Too much pressure on children in school. Kids waking up in the middle of night to do homework. Children ill with the pressure. No joy in learning.
Art, film-making, carpentry, painting, music, perfect pitch
Spacey, giddy
Learning languages, traveling
Spirituality, astrology, chakras, yoga, meditation, being a spiritually “perfect being”
Word finding difficulties. Spelling/writing mistakes
Flickering vision, flickering flame in back of R eye
Electrical flashes in the eye
Blurry vision, difficulty focusing
Eyes gritty
Smell of burning wood and beeswax
Pressing pains in chest and right of sternum
Anxiety in chest
Pressure lower R abdomen
Burning sensation shoulder to arm
Injuries to tailbone, ankle, fingers, hands
Sports injuries
Continual weakness, tingly nerve pain in R shoulder
Weak pain in fingers, achey tingly warm nerve pain
Sharp stabbing pain in L kidney
Lack of coordination, stiffness in extremities
Allergies – sneezing, eyes watery and itchy
High cholesterol
1: My daughter has returned to Beirut. The American Embassy has been closed [because of US threat to bomb Syria.]
5: Right now you don't know where she is?
4: My family are Bahai’s originally. They were heavily persecuted under the Ayatollah. The last one who got out left on a motorbike through Pakistan. I visited when I was 15; I went as family to meet my Dad’s family. I couldn't go back now—I might go back but wouldnt be able to get out.
4: [To prover 3] Are you on sabbatical?
3: Yes, it’s really good. Did we talk on the phone once?
4: no I wrote you a letter.
3: you’ve been practicing a couple of years
2: Did you have a career before this?
4: Occupational therapy
2: that’s what I want to study! That and homeopathy!
3: You should know that homeopaths are notoriously poor….
4: OT is a gift – you can always work
2: what got you interested in OT?
4: I knew someone in OT. My main interests are art and psychotherapy. I started off in child psychiatry. This was in England. Here it is driven by insurance.
2: I work with developmentally disabled kids. I believe autism can be cured by homeopathy. I hope to use it.
4: Working through Cleveland Clinic I can’t combine it. I have thought about massage. In the office space I have options.
5: [To Prover 2] Where are you in the process?
2: Dragging feet with school. Working 2 jobs—waitressing and working with kids.
Went to Kent State for art. Wanted to mix art with therapy – too competitive. Not for me. Transferred to health sciences.
4: After doing OT I then went to art school, to film school.
5: You went from Left brain to right brain!
4: it’s a hybrid
3: this substance hasn't helped me to do math.
2: Ive been looking forward to this all week. I had yoga and a meditative experience last night. I felt centered. I wanted to bring my aunt in for homeopathic treatment.
A friend said, let’s go party. I said, I don't know – but then I did.
4: I want the flowers off of the table. I’m concerned the process might get contaminated by the flowers. Now I can see [Prover 1] better.
1: you removed my shield
1: I’m swinging the hammer, thinking about winter season – snowboarding and skiing.
2: I broke my tailbone and micro-fractured my ankle snowboarding
4: pressing pain by chest. Tickling cough.
Provers 1, 2, 5 discuss winter.
2: Burning sensation down shoulder to arm
Discussion about tendonitis
2: My boyfriend has bad tendonitis – wants to make a career out of playing guitar and teaching
5: I feel tense. I’ve been like that all day
2: It looks like you’re holding your shoulders up
5: Maybe I need a drink . Why did I say that? I never drink.
Obs: Prover 5 seems giddy
2: I feel giddy too.
3: I feel spacey
2: I have clammy hands
1: I’ve heard that means something is coming up
3: It’s a piezoelectric skin response
2: I’m like a witch with a cauldron
5 and 1: Bubble bubble, toil and trouble, fire burn, cauldron bubble
3: Shakespeare? Macbeth
1: I’m not worried about my daughter. I trust her judgement. Clear eyes and lots of experience.
2: I texted my mother “there’s something I have to tell you” cause I wanted to let her know I had brought my aunt to see a homeopath. I totally freaked out my mother. I have just gotten 10 texts from her saying “OMG what happened?”
5: [To Prover 3] My sister came to see you and that eczema is going away. For years my siblings have teased me to death [about homeopathy]…
3: Too bad people have to wait til it’s really bad before going to a homeopath.
4: especially with skin conditions where they have taken god knows what….
5: it’s good to know people like you guys – it’s leap of faith .
4: even moreso when you try to explain it!
2: Do you have kids?
4: I have 2 stepsons 16 and 19. My own kids are in their 30’s. I have 4 grandkids. My eldest grandson won a Lego competition—he made a spaceship. He was disappointed he only got a certificate.
5: the baby?
4: No the baby is 2—Lucy.
1: what part of England?
4: My son is in Birmingham, west side, and my daughter is across the country near Nottinghamshire.
1: I heard the road signs leave a bit to be desired
3: I love driving on the left. I drive ok there for 3 weeks then came back and was completely confused.
5: I had a hard time crossing the street. I like London—it’s one of my favorite int’l cities. They speak the same language.
4: heck, that’s why I came here
5: It’s not for the food…
3: Do you like Mutton? Indian Food? Muttar Paneer?
5: [To prover 1] Do you eat meat?
2: I’m a Freegan. Vegan unless it’s free. I don't usually eat meat. It sometimes makes me sick, unlike dairy or eggs.
5: I couldn't be a vegetarian – I’d always be hungry
3: Do you know Weston Price? I eat grass-fed meat. My husband has high cholesterol. I switched him to grass-fed meat and raw dairy. His cholesterol dropped 25 points.
4: My husband’s cholesterol is high. Now we eat only chicken, tuna, and turkey.
3: Weston A Price Foundation – check it out. He did research on eating among indigenous people. He looked at the change to processed food. How we raise our food is important.
5: check out the Nourishing Traditions book..
2: The allopathic view of cholesterol is not really relevant
3: statins are big money – pure and simple suppression.
2: How do they work? The anatomy and physiology of them?
3: I’m having a brief feeling in my chest. Rising tightness
2: I love anatomy and physiology
3: Me too. In med school I had to dissect a cadaver. You don't dissect the brain til 2nd year. Had to remove it—I was always disturbed by the empty head I put a cauliflower inside there to fill the space.
I had to change it out when it smelled.
2: on the first day, here’s a scalpel. We made mojitos with coconut juice and rum. It had a terrible taste – like what the cadaver smelled like. It put me off mojitos!
1: Could you ever eat cauliflower again?
3 and 2: You have to have a sense of humor and be respectful – you also have to see death as reasonable .
5: [To Prover 3] How did you move from allopathic to holistic medicine.
3: Once I got to hospital rotations – it’s all drugs and surgery. I got disgusted. A teacher said, go see this doc in Dayton who is a DO who does homeopathy. He gave her a book, the Alchemy of Healing. Brought it together with Jungian psychology and Quantum physics.
And I got ulcers in med school. Had to keep my mouth shut. Cognitive dissonance.
2: This is what it will be in OT
4: I think you’ll be surprised. It’s changing
5: isn’t it contradictory?
3: absolutely
5: a guy in our [homeopathy] study group, a podiatrist, keeps asking the same questions over and over again.
3: There are many docs who use it allopathically.
2; what about Ayurvedic medicine and chakras?
3: it’s the oldest system on earth – it’s gotta be good
2: there is a similarity between chakras, astrology and vital force… My roommate does Reiki.
5: I did levels 1 and 2. I did Kundalini Reiki. There is a book about it. When I did the reiki training you could really feel the energy in your hands.
5: sharp stabbing pain in my left kidney as soon as I started triturating
3, 4, 5: Pressing pain to right of junction of ribs and sternum
2: Pain in Right shoulder again
1: all this talk of energy healing is heavy-duty. I do woodworking
5: I was feeling lost. With carpentry you get to be creative, hands-on
2: My Boyfriend’s dad has the same finger missing from hand as Prover 1. It’s the signature carpentry injury.
Questions about yoga.
2: I do Hatha, Vinyasa, now not doing classes, I do my own practice.
5: I did the kind with props
2: Niara Yoga – it’s used to treat PTSD
2: In Costa Rica, there was a fern. A local referred to it and said “they’re sleeping.” He touched them and they closed.
5: I’ve seen a weed – Dulcamara/ Bittersweet…
2: also a vine like morning glory
4: Im going to Costa Rica in Dec/Jan
2: My grandpa was from Lebanon and grandma from Serbia
2: I feel awkward in my motions – hands feel weird, uncoordinated. I feel stiff
4 and 1 talk about Costa Rica.
Obs: 2 starts twirling the bowl
1: do they speak Spanish there?
4: I don't speak it. My husband speaks HS level
2: I feel awkward doing this! I just spilt some on myself (scraping).
1: [to Prover 5] Have you traveled much?
5: Paris, London, Bangkok, Beijing
Multiple conversations occur…. About Brazil, and about local music and art festivals
2: I zoned out while grinding
4: A patient who was a tennis player came back from a stroke using Chinese hand balls
4: [to prover 1] Do you do floor sanding?
1: No
5: I have a floor guy –he can make any floor look like brand new
1: There are generations of floor finishers in the Akron area
2, 3, 5: super aware of sound of scraping.
5: it’s bothering me
2: Flickering vision when not focusing. Blank stare
Obs: Master Prover’s horrific allergies that she had had all day were 90% better
3: my daughter keeps texting me “gimme a phone that doesn't even work just so I can carry it around.”
5: It’s hard to say no to them
3: I don't want her to be addicted to texting. She herself sets limits on it
5: I need her to talk to my kids!
5: I didnt want them to have a phone because of radiation
4: It’s hard because we are exposed to it all the time
5: there is so much radiation all over. I feel it when it’s next to my head.
3: the x –ray remedy is good for people who’ve gotten radiation
The phone rings.
3 and 5: conversation about anthroposophic medicine, Rudolf Steiner, modern alchemy, Waldorf. Anthroposophic medicine makes use of potentization but differently from homeopathy.
2: Blur across R eye
3: Me too
4: R eyelashes feel stuck.
2: there is a white cloudiness in part of my vision
3: like a floater passing through
2: My R eye is doing a lot of weird focusing
3: My eyes feel gritty
3: I’m having a hot flash
2: My hands are clammy
1: My ex wife has made contact with our daughter. She emailed me ex. She hasn’t noticed anything different [in Beirut]>
4: is she going to leave?
1: Don’t know. Hope so.
5: another twinge
General discussion of Syria.
5: My feet are clammy. I have a stabbing and dull pain in L kidney
5: there was a baby born without a kidney
2: continual weakness, tingly subtle nerve pain in my R shoulder
1: I wanted to sneeze earlier
5: I’m worried about war
1: [regarding daughter] The Master Prover said that my daughter sees the world through rose-colored glasses. She is optimistic.
2: Anxiety in chest while 5 was triturating
2: War – I have been feeling emotional anyway but today I feel apathetic, flat, dry.
3: I’m detached from my emotions
1: You made a comment along those lines – I was surprised.
3: yes I was spacey then detached
1: I feel spacey and detached as well
3: I am having a hard time writing, making spelling mistakes
2: I am misspelling too
4: During the C1 trituration I felt uneasy, as if I needed to have a bowel movement. This feeling came up the closer she was to the actual substance.
3: I am more than detached. I am usually very empathetic but I feel separate. I know I’m here with you all but there is a feeling of separation. When I hear Prover 1
talk about his daughter, I’m listening but just “up here”, floating around. I’m not
living in my heart/gut/body.
4: Im experiencing a lack of feeling emotions – detached.
2: Im not feeling connected to emotion
2: I have a weak pain in my fingers, achey, tingley, warm, nervy. A subtle, achey pain.
5: I’m feeling normal emotionally
2: I have no symptoms on L side
Prover 1 asks for more tea.
3C trituration
Obs: the group is utterly silent.
5: Prover 4 looks like an Escher, with the red and black [ referring to her clothing.]
3: I say to my kids: “you may address me as ‘your highness.’
4: oh you’re kids are just getting into it then [adolescence]. It’s just the beginning.
2: I had quite the mother/daughter battle in puberty with my mother. I told her: it’s going to be a war between us. And her mother said: and who do you think will win?
3: when do they call you and say that you were right?
3: Im having a hard time speaking and finding words.
5: My daughter wants to drive and so I have leverage. It’s a double edged sword.
2: Im friends with my parents now. I left home at the end of High School.
3: my daughter in in 7th grade. We are exploring high schools now, thinking about Firestone [the local high school that is focused on the arts.]
2: I had a wonderful HS experience there – great diversity and a great opportunity for art.
3: My daughter is an artist. She has an amazing eye – painting, sculpture. Music too – perfect pitch.
2: I painted
2: Im feeling pressure in lower R abdomen, and also felt it at the beginning like Prover 4.
3: Tickly cough, high in pharynx.
2: I have a lot of friends who went to Waldorf Schools – they are perfect beings!
3: Waldorf fosters creative thinking. The school has supported both my kids to develop how they can.
5: My kids are up in the middle of the night doing homework
3: that’s crazy-- in 1st grade they have to read and write a paragraph!
5: It’s too much – there’s no joy in learning
2: I work with kids on the [autistic] spectrum
5: if kids are punished [at school] they cant go outside
3: Kids are outside at least 3x a day at Waldorf
5: homework in subjects is useless except in math
3: Waldorf is outside of the [standardized] testing system. Every 8th grade puts on a full Shakespeare play.
2: I had one class… the teacher was lazy. Tons of beanbags and things to do. She taught language arts. We could do what we wanted. 4th grade – then I started reading.
5: Im having a disconnected feeling, like a buzz [obs: she waves hands in air.]
3: we are talking about home schooling the kids
5: how do you do it and work?
3; it would have to be part-time work. There are home school groups, a hippie based one in Kent , as opposed to the Christian ones.
5: The law says that kids who are home-schooled can participate in extra-curricular activities. Would love to do home schooling but how do you do it and work full time? One of my daughters never gets a night’s sleep because of the workload.
4: My stepsons weren’t that diligent. They did their International Baccalaureate
3: A friend’s kid went through that. It was very rigorous—then got to college and that was a breeze. I wouldn't put my kid through it.
5: Me neither
3: you’d have to be driven
5: These days colleges expect you to have cured cancer and have done all these things… It was easier for our generation.
3: There are more people now
5: That’s one of the reasons for all the environmental problems.
3: yes, the population growth over millennia.
3 and 5: yes it’s scary
5: How does it exponentially grow?
3: You see it in bacteria – then it’s too much and it kills itself off.
5: The earth is our host and we’re killing it. It’s depressing.
3: On the bright side we are spiritual beings ….. [obs: she then speaks incoherently.]
2: hello divine being! The sound [of grinding] isn’t as loud now
1: We’re becoming more competent
Obs: the energy in the room dips down.
2: Do you ever watch the show “shameless”? It’s an eccentric, satiric show on Netflix about working class Brits
5: I’m smelling a strong smell of beeswax
3: an old bite on my L leg is starting to itch.
5: I have made herbal remedies for bug bites—a salve from comfrey and plaintain. It’s great for bug bites.
3: my spider bite is itching – not a mosquito bite.
2: are there energetic sides to the body? I have a client who interprets chakras through astrology
5: I’m still smelling beeswax.
5: In Turkey, my sister saw the actual rod they used to part the Red Sea. Is it true?
4: The mosques are so beautiful there.
5: My daughter is going to Greece with her Greek class
2; I wish I had learned a language. You just cant make a kid do anything they don't want to do.
3: this is a time warp.
2: I totally spaced out while I was triturating.
Provers 1,2,3 are all sensitive to the sound of scraping.
2: I smell burning wood.
2: In the back of my R eye there is a flickering flame, like an electrical flash.
Epargyreus clarus
Family Hesperiidae
September 7, 2013
Akron, Ohio US
Master Prover: Patricia Maher
5 provers, 4 female, one male. Age range: 20 -60. One African-American, one Iranian-British, 3 of European descent. The remedy is available at Helios Pharmacy.
The substance was unknown to them.
The Silver Spotted Skipper was caught by the Master Prover the day of the proving. This butterfly is one of the most common Skippers seen in North America as it has a very large range. It visits gardens, fields and the edges of wooded areas. The preferred food plant of the caterpillars are legumes, and the adults feed on nectar from a variety of plants, including Asclepias, Thistle, Lathyrus and others. This specimen was found on a Butterfly Bush. These butterflies specifically avoid yellow flowers.
Background/Context of the trituration
As is frequently the case in a proving, this proving began before the formal start. Upon one prover’s arrival, she began speaking excitedly of moths she had seen on a
recent trip to Costa Rica. As the group was gathering itself to prepare for the proving, she shared photos of many moths from her visit. In addition, another prover said he was distracted because his daughter—a student at the American University in Beirut – was incommunicado. As a precaution the US State Department in Beirut had just closed the Embassy there because the US was threatening to bomb Syria. This situation of the prover’s daughter unfolded during the course of the trituration and was central to one of the trituration themes.
As it happened, 3 of the 5 provers had a direct connection to the Middle East: the prover whose daughter was in Beirut, a prover who was of Lebanese descent, and another prover of Iranian descent. The proving occurred against the backdrop of the threat of a US attack on Syria. The final write up of this proving has occurred as Syria is once again the focus of attention and tensions between the US and Russia escalate over their respective roles in Syria.
The themes from this trituration are consistent with those of other butterfly remedies, namely the issue of children in danger and children under pressure. The emotional disconnect is very particular to this butterfly.
What is most striking is the butterfly’s name and that Silver series themes (according to the work of homeopath Jan Scholten) were so strongly expressed. There are the obvious themes of art, creativity, teaching and education, travel, languages, and sports. On a more subtle level there was also the Silver series quality of being unique, pursuing that which is esoteric or special (e.g. people who attend Waldorf schools are “perfect beings.”) Esoteric practices were discussed several times. In the physicals there was a great deal of nerve pain which is associated with the Silver series.
It is interesting that the larvae and adults feed on plants in the Fabaceae family in light of the nerve symptoms in the extremities.
It is a bit harder to grasp the meaning of this butterfly’s connection to the Middle East. It could be a further reflection of the Silver series themes of cultural diversity and immigration. One of the provers immediate family members had had a dramatic experience of exile as a refugee, for example. In addition, the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon, and the moon’s light is often described as silvery. We associate the moon with women and motherhood. Daughters – and mothers and daughters-- were a key aspect of the trituration. Although the provers also had sons, sons were not really discussed.
There may be a connection between Islam and the Silver series that is yet to be identified.
Key themes:
The Middle East: Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iran
Bah’ai and Islam
Disconnection. Detached from emotion. Feeling of separation. “up in the air” sensation/ floating around. Not living in heart/gut/body
Children in danger in a conflict zone but not worried about them
Parental worry/ lack of concern
Caring for children—child psychiatry, art therapy, Occupational Therapy, working with autistic children
Conflict between mothers and daughters, a “war zone”
School, studying art, high school, Waldorf education, creative thinking
Too much pressure on children in school. Kids waking up in the middle of night to do homework. Children ill with the pressure. No joy in learning.
Art, film-making, carpentry, painting, music, perfect pitch
Spacey, giddy
Learning languages, traveling
Spirituality, astrology, chakras, yoga, meditation, being a spiritually “perfect being”
Word finding difficulties. Spelling/writing mistakes
Flickering vision, flickering flame in back of R eye
Electrical flashes in the eye
Blurry vision, difficulty focusing
Eyes gritty
Smell of burning wood and beeswax
Pressing pains in chest and right of sternum
Anxiety in chest
Pressure lower R abdomen
Burning sensation shoulder to arm
Injuries to tailbone, ankle, fingers, hands
Sports injuries
Continual weakness, tingly nerve pain in R shoulder
Weak pain in fingers, achey tingly warm nerve pain
Sharp stabbing pain in L kidney
Lack of coordination, stiffness in extremities
Allergies – sneezing, eyes watery and itchy
High cholesterol
1: My daughter has returned to Beirut. The American Embassy has been closed [because of US threat to bomb Syria.]
5: Right now you don't know where she is?
4: My family are Bahai’s originally. They were heavily persecuted under the Ayatollah. The last one who got out left on a motorbike through Pakistan. I visited when I was 15; I went as family to meet my Dad’s family. I couldn't go back now—I might go back but wouldnt be able to get out.
4: [To prover 3] Are you on sabbatical?
3: Yes, it’s really good. Did we talk on the phone once?
4: no I wrote you a letter.
3: you’ve been practicing a couple of years
2: Did you have a career before this?
4: Occupational therapy
2: that’s what I want to study! That and homeopathy!
3: You should know that homeopaths are notoriously poor….
4: OT is a gift – you can always work
2: what got you interested in OT?
4: I knew someone in OT. My main interests are art and psychotherapy. I started off in child psychiatry. This was in England. Here it is driven by insurance.
2: I work with developmentally disabled kids. I believe autism can be cured by homeopathy. I hope to use it.
4: Working through Cleveland Clinic I can’t combine it. I have thought about massage. In the office space I have options.
5: [To Prover 2] Where are you in the process?
2: Dragging feet with school. Working 2 jobs—waitressing and working with kids.
Went to Kent State for art. Wanted to mix art with therapy – too competitive. Not for me. Transferred to health sciences.
4: After doing OT I then went to art school, to film school.
5: You went from Left brain to right brain!
4: it’s a hybrid
3: this substance hasn't helped me to do math.
2: Ive been looking forward to this all week. I had yoga and a meditative experience last night. I felt centered. I wanted to bring my aunt in for homeopathic treatment.
A friend said, let’s go party. I said, I don't know – but then I did.
4: I want the flowers off of the table. I’m concerned the process might get contaminated by the flowers. Now I can see [Prover 1] better.
1: you removed my shield
1: I’m swinging the hammer, thinking about winter season – snowboarding and skiing.
2: I broke my tailbone and micro-fractured my ankle snowboarding
4: pressing pain by chest. Tickling cough.
Provers 1, 2, 5 discuss winter.
2: Burning sensation down shoulder to arm
Discussion about tendonitis
2: My boyfriend has bad tendonitis – wants to make a career out of playing guitar and teaching
5: I feel tense. I’ve been like that all day
2: It looks like you’re holding your shoulders up
5: Maybe I need a drink . Why did I say that? I never drink.
Obs: Prover 5 seems giddy
2: I feel giddy too.
3: I feel spacey
2: I have clammy hands
1: I’ve heard that means something is coming up
3: It’s a piezoelectric skin response
2: I’m like a witch with a cauldron
5 and 1: Bubble bubble, toil and trouble, fire burn, cauldron bubble
3: Shakespeare? Macbeth
1: I’m not worried about my daughter. I trust her judgement. Clear eyes and lots of experience.
2: I texted my mother “there’s something I have to tell you” cause I wanted to let her know I had brought my aunt to see a homeopath. I totally freaked out my mother. I have just gotten 10 texts from her saying “OMG what happened?”
5: [To Prover 3] My sister came to see you and that eczema is going away. For years my siblings have teased me to death [about homeopathy]…
3: Too bad people have to wait til it’s really bad before going to a homeopath.
4: especially with skin conditions where they have taken god knows what….
5: it’s good to know people like you guys – it’s leap of faith .
4: even moreso when you try to explain it!
2: Do you have kids?
4: I have 2 stepsons 16 and 19. My own kids are in their 30’s. I have 4 grandkids. My eldest grandson won a Lego competition—he made a spaceship. He was disappointed he only got a certificate.
5: the baby?
4: No the baby is 2—Lucy.
1: what part of England?
4: My son is in Birmingham, west side, and my daughter is across the country near Nottinghamshire.
1: I heard the road signs leave a bit to be desired
3: I love driving on the left. I drive ok there for 3 weeks then came back and was completely confused.
5: I had a hard time crossing the street. I like London—it’s one of my favorite int’l cities. They speak the same language.
4: heck, that’s why I came here
5: It’s not for the food…
3: Do you like Mutton? Indian Food? Muttar Paneer?
5: [To prover 1] Do you eat meat?
2: I’m a Freegan. Vegan unless it’s free. I don't usually eat meat. It sometimes makes me sick, unlike dairy or eggs.
5: I couldn't be a vegetarian – I’d always be hungry
3: Do you know Weston Price? I eat grass-fed meat. My husband has high cholesterol. I switched him to grass-fed meat and raw dairy. His cholesterol dropped 25 points.
4: My husband’s cholesterol is high. Now we eat only chicken, tuna, and turkey.
3: Weston A Price Foundation – check it out. He did research on eating among indigenous people. He looked at the change to processed food. How we raise our food is important.
5: check out the Nourishing Traditions book..
2: The allopathic view of cholesterol is not really relevant
3: statins are big money – pure and simple suppression.
2: How do they work? The anatomy and physiology of them?
3: I’m having a brief feeling in my chest. Rising tightness
2: I love anatomy and physiology
3: Me too. In med school I had to dissect a cadaver. You don't dissect the brain til 2nd year. Had to remove it—I was always disturbed by the empty head I put a cauliflower inside there to fill the space.
I had to change it out when it smelled.
2: on the first day, here’s a scalpel. We made mojitos with coconut juice and rum. It had a terrible taste – like what the cadaver smelled like. It put me off mojitos!
1: Could you ever eat cauliflower again?
3 and 2: You have to have a sense of humor and be respectful – you also have to see death as reasonable .
5: [To Prover 3] How did you move from allopathic to holistic medicine.
3: Once I got to hospital rotations – it’s all drugs and surgery. I got disgusted. A teacher said, go see this doc in Dayton who is a DO who does homeopathy. He gave her a book, the Alchemy of Healing. Brought it together with Jungian psychology and Quantum physics.
And I got ulcers in med school. Had to keep my mouth shut. Cognitive dissonance.
2: This is what it will be in OT
4: I think you’ll be surprised. It’s changing
5: isn’t it contradictory?
3: absolutely
5: a guy in our [homeopathy] study group, a podiatrist, keeps asking the same questions over and over again.
3: There are many docs who use it allopathically.
2; what about Ayurvedic medicine and chakras?
3: it’s the oldest system on earth – it’s gotta be good
2: there is a similarity between chakras, astrology and vital force… My roommate does Reiki.
5: I did levels 1 and 2. I did Kundalini Reiki. There is a book about it. When I did the reiki training you could really feel the energy in your hands.
5: sharp stabbing pain in my left kidney as soon as I started triturating
3, 4, 5: Pressing pain to right of junction of ribs and sternum
2: Pain in Right shoulder again
1: all this talk of energy healing is heavy-duty. I do woodworking
5: I was feeling lost. With carpentry you get to be creative, hands-on
2: My Boyfriend’s dad has the same finger missing from hand as Prover 1. It’s the signature carpentry injury.
Questions about yoga.
2: I do Hatha, Vinyasa, now not doing classes, I do my own practice.
5: I did the kind with props
2: Niara Yoga – it’s used to treat PTSD
2: In Costa Rica, there was a fern. A local referred to it and said “they’re sleeping.” He touched them and they closed.
5: I’ve seen a weed – Dulcamara/ Bittersweet…
2: also a vine like morning glory
4: Im going to Costa Rica in Dec/Jan
2: My grandpa was from Lebanon and grandma from Serbia
2: I feel awkward in my motions – hands feel weird, uncoordinated. I feel stiff
4 and 1 talk about Costa Rica.
Obs: 2 starts twirling the bowl
1: do they speak Spanish there?
4: I don't speak it. My husband speaks HS level
2: I feel awkward doing this! I just spilt some on myself (scraping).
1: [to Prover 5] Have you traveled much?
5: Paris, London, Bangkok, Beijing
Multiple conversations occur…. About Brazil, and about local music and art festivals
2: I zoned out while grinding
4: A patient who was a tennis player came back from a stroke using Chinese hand balls
4: [to prover 1] Do you do floor sanding?
1: No
5: I have a floor guy –he can make any floor look like brand new
1: There are generations of floor finishers in the Akron area
2, 3, 5: super aware of sound of scraping.
5: it’s bothering me
2: Flickering vision when not focusing. Blank stare
Obs: Master Prover’s horrific allergies that she had had all day were 90% better
3: my daughter keeps texting me “gimme a phone that doesn't even work just so I can carry it around.”
5: It’s hard to say no to them
3: I don't want her to be addicted to texting. She herself sets limits on it
5: I need her to talk to my kids!
5: I didnt want them to have a phone because of radiation
4: It’s hard because we are exposed to it all the time
5: there is so much radiation all over. I feel it when it’s next to my head.
3: the x –ray remedy is good for people who’ve gotten radiation
The phone rings.
3 and 5: conversation about anthroposophic medicine, Rudolf Steiner, modern alchemy, Waldorf. Anthroposophic medicine makes use of potentization but differently from homeopathy.
2: Blur across R eye
3: Me too
4: R eyelashes feel stuck.
2: there is a white cloudiness in part of my vision
3: like a floater passing through
2: My R eye is doing a lot of weird focusing
3: My eyes feel gritty
3: I’m having a hot flash
2: My hands are clammy
1: My ex wife has made contact with our daughter. She emailed me ex. She hasn’t noticed anything different [in Beirut]>
4: is she going to leave?
1: Don’t know. Hope so.
5: another twinge
General discussion of Syria.
5: My feet are clammy. I have a stabbing and dull pain in L kidney
5: there was a baby born without a kidney
2: continual weakness, tingly subtle nerve pain in my R shoulder
1: I wanted to sneeze earlier
5: I’m worried about war
1: [regarding daughter] The Master Prover said that my daughter sees the world through rose-colored glasses. She is optimistic.
2: Anxiety in chest while 5 was triturating
2: War – I have been feeling emotional anyway but today I feel apathetic, flat, dry.
3: I’m detached from my emotions
1: You made a comment along those lines – I was surprised.
3: yes I was spacey then detached
1: I feel spacey and detached as well
3: I am having a hard time writing, making spelling mistakes
2: I am misspelling too
4: During the C1 trituration I felt uneasy, as if I needed to have a bowel movement. This feeling came up the closer she was to the actual substance.
3: I am more than detached. I am usually very empathetic but I feel separate. I know I’m here with you all but there is a feeling of separation. When I hear Prover 1
talk about his daughter, I’m listening but just “up here”, floating around. I’m not
living in my heart/gut/body.
4: Im experiencing a lack of feeling emotions – detached.
2: Im not feeling connected to emotion
2: I have a weak pain in my fingers, achey, tingley, warm, nervy. A subtle, achey pain.
5: I’m feeling normal emotionally
2: I have no symptoms on L side
Prover 1 asks for more tea.
3C trituration
Obs: the group is utterly silent.
5: Prover 4 looks like an Escher, with the red and black [ referring to her clothing.]
3: I say to my kids: “you may address me as ‘your highness.’
4: oh you’re kids are just getting into it then [adolescence]. It’s just the beginning.
2: I had quite the mother/daughter battle in puberty with my mother. I told her: it’s going to be a war between us. And her mother said: and who do you think will win?
3: when do they call you and say that you were right?
3: Im having a hard time speaking and finding words.
5: My daughter wants to drive and so I have leverage. It’s a double edged sword.
2: Im friends with my parents now. I left home at the end of High School.
3: my daughter in in 7th grade. We are exploring high schools now, thinking about Firestone [the local high school that is focused on the arts.]
2: I had a wonderful HS experience there – great diversity and a great opportunity for art.
3: My daughter is an artist. She has an amazing eye – painting, sculpture. Music too – perfect pitch.
2: I painted
2: Im feeling pressure in lower R abdomen, and also felt it at the beginning like Prover 4.
3: Tickly cough, high in pharynx.
2: I have a lot of friends who went to Waldorf Schools – they are perfect beings!
3: Waldorf fosters creative thinking. The school has supported both my kids to develop how they can.
5: My kids are up in the middle of the night doing homework
3: that’s crazy-- in 1st grade they have to read and write a paragraph!
5: It’s too much – there’s no joy in learning
2: I work with kids on the [autistic] spectrum
5: if kids are punished [at school] they cant go outside
3: Kids are outside at least 3x a day at Waldorf
5: homework in subjects is useless except in math
3: Waldorf is outside of the [standardized] testing system. Every 8th grade puts on a full Shakespeare play.
2: I had one class… the teacher was lazy. Tons of beanbags and things to do. She taught language arts. We could do what we wanted. 4th grade – then I started reading.
5: Im having a disconnected feeling, like a buzz [obs: she waves hands in air.]
3: we are talking about home schooling the kids
5: how do you do it and work?
3; it would have to be part-time work. There are home school groups, a hippie based one in Kent , as opposed to the Christian ones.
5: The law says that kids who are home-schooled can participate in extra-curricular activities. Would love to do home schooling but how do you do it and work full time? One of my daughters never gets a night’s sleep because of the workload.
4: My stepsons weren’t that diligent. They did their International Baccalaureate
3: A friend’s kid went through that. It was very rigorous—then got to college and that was a breeze. I wouldn't put my kid through it.
5: Me neither
3: you’d have to be driven
5: These days colleges expect you to have cured cancer and have done all these things… It was easier for our generation.
3: There are more people now
5: That’s one of the reasons for all the environmental problems.
3: yes, the population growth over millennia.
3 and 5: yes it’s scary
5: How does it exponentially grow?
3: You see it in bacteria – then it’s too much and it kills itself off.
5: The earth is our host and we’re killing it. It’s depressing.
3: On the bright side we are spiritual beings ….. [obs: she then speaks incoherently.]
2: hello divine being! The sound [of grinding] isn’t as loud now
1: We’re becoming more competent
Obs: the energy in the room dips down.
2: Do you ever watch the show “shameless”? It’s an eccentric, satiric show on Netflix about working class Brits
5: I’m smelling a strong smell of beeswax
3: an old bite on my L leg is starting to itch.
5: I have made herbal remedies for bug bites—a salve from comfrey and plaintain. It’s great for bug bites.
3: my spider bite is itching – not a mosquito bite.
2: are there energetic sides to the body? I have a client who interprets chakras through astrology
5: I’m still smelling beeswax.
5: In Turkey, my sister saw the actual rod they used to part the Red Sea. Is it true?
4: The mosques are so beautiful there.
5: My daughter is going to Greece with her Greek class
2; I wish I had learned a language. You just cant make a kid do anything they don't want to do.
3: this is a time warp.
2: I totally spaced out while I was triturating.
Provers 1,2,3 are all sensitive to the sound of scraping.
2: I smell burning wood.
2: In the back of my R eye there is a flickering flame, like an electrical flash.